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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Cuba, Castro,fawning progressives.



Image result for castro chavez guevara
I remember listening to the radio in my room in 1959 as Batista fled Cuba and Castro marched into Havana. There were celebrations in New York city that the Cuban people were now free from the evil dictator Batista. I was 14 years old and thought, well this seems to be a good thing happening in Cuba. It may have been my first experience with the idea that things are not always as they seem. We were astonished to find that Castro was really a Communist and had allied himself with the Soviet Union. It seemed that the Cuban people just replaced one dictator with another. This seems to be a pattern that has been repeated many times even in recent history in the middle east. Cuba went on to become a client state of the Soviet Union, subsidized until 1990. Many thousands fled the country for the United States and most have become an asset of this country. I assume the most industrious and self motivated found it better to flee north 90 miles than risk losing their life in opposition to the Socialist government. After 1990 the economy declined to 3rd world status until Hugo Chavez took over in Venezuela. Chavez another darling of the Hollywood left and Academia in the United States was willing to share the oil wealth of his country with Castro. Good times were back until oil prices dropped and Chavez squandered the economy of his country to the point that there are now shortages of food and basic necessities. With no willing Marxist socialist countries left to bail out Cuba it looked like the end of this socialist experiment was over. But wait, we then have the Jesuit Marxist Pope fly in and visit Castro, followed by Barak Obama, who was not about to let the last Socialist Country in the Western Hemisphere collapse. The U.S. would bail out the Cubans with better relations, tourists, ATT, etc. Freedom of religion, and speech for the Cuban people, maybe later.

Now Fidel Castro is dead, and the socialist world is in mourning. We see the boy President of Canada  call Castro the George Washington of Cuba. He has now called into question the education system of Canada. I don't recall Washington staying in office for 50 years, or executing dissenters, or confiscation the private property of the citizens. Where is the connection to Washington? What is this guy talking about? Same goes for all the academics in this country who have been idolizing Che Guevara, who was the final decider of the Castro regime. He decided most would be shot by firing squads. When that become boring he set off on world revolution until he became a martyr in Bolivia.

So, now what is left of pure communism, It seems to be North Korea and Cuba. North Korea is not on the A-list of Hollywood or U.S. academia, but he is on high standing with some U.S. basketball players, but I think North Korea will not be romanticized like Cuba. I still don't understand why more students and professors haven't moved to Cuba, they seem to convey that it is some sort of paradise. Now, what will Trump's policy be with Cuba?,  they should be ready to expect that they are not going to get anything for nothing.


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