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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Media not coping well with Trump victory



 Image result for biased media
The presidential campaign of Donald Trump has exposed the traditional media as biased, out of touch with the American people and very likely on their way to extinction. According to a survey of the American people on the 2016 election, 80% believe the media was biased against Trump. Being an avid watcher of Trump speeches and rallies, I saw firsthand how the media would add or subtract an adjective to change what was said and then would coordinate in relentlessly pounding the story. There was an unrelenting negative view of Trump and his supporters to the point that it may have very well helped him to win the election.
Now that the election is over, they have doubled down on their attacks. They keep espousing that the transition team doesn't know what they are doing. That no one wants to take a job. That they didn't know they had to fill 4000 positions. If only a run-of-the-mill politician could have been elected every thing would be much better. The traditional news media has lost all credibility. I would be willing to bet considerable money that on January 20, 2017 the Trump team will be ready to go.
But what about the press? Big changes may be coming. Newspapers are destined to die. I don't know of any of the younger generation who subscribes to a newspaper. Most now use their smart phone to keep up with all the news that used to be in the newspapers. Specialty newspapers like Investors Business Daily may have a life with the active investment crowd, but the traditional newspaper may not last another decade. The news and talk shows are probably at their zenith, they have nowhere to go but down. MSNBC is no more than the propaganda arm of the Democratic National Party. CNN has resorted to such outrageous attacks that most likely over 50% of Americans will stop watching. Fox has its own biases, but their straight news programs, like Brett Bair, are fairly objective. One hour is about all the objective news that any of these channels can offer. I would not be surprised if these news channels start slimming down talk programming.
As for the media and President Trump, don't be surprised if he takes his messaging directly to the people via the web. I could see a sophisticated White House web page, where all briefings and press releases are posted for all to see, without the filter of the press. It is by tradition, not law, that the press flies on Air Force One. They are a private business and maybe should provide their own transportation. They may find that, due to security, they will receive short notice of the new President's travel plans. Actually from the dialogue of some of the media, it is doubtful that they should be given a security clearance. Its seems that there is a glut of talkers and it's probably time for the news organizations to thin the herd. All this may be a boon to the web-based news outlets. They could be fed news from around the world by freelance reporters, similar to the Associated Press. It would cut the cost of reporting and there could be someone available in every city in the world. It may take some time to vet these new recruits and there needs to be a standard of objectivity, but this may be the future of journalism.

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