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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Democrat policies have devastated the black community.



We see the election year racial wars are likely to be the worst since the 1960's. It seems that President Trumps overtures to the black community of justice and prison reform and enterprise zones for cities, has alarmed the Democrat establishment that they must stoke racial division to regain their dominance of the black vote. It has been reported that Trump has polled as high as 29% of the black vote. This would be a devastating blow to the Democrat coalition. 

The Democrats have attempted to put the Spanish speaking community in the same box as they have  the black population. It has not really worked as expected. The Spanish speaking community have a strong history of intact families, strong work ethic and entrepreneurship. They can also see the results of the democrats policies on the black community. Many of them have also escaped from countries, like Cuba, and Venezuela were these same policies have destroyed the economy. 

The democrat policies have been to encourage dependence on government programs and instill in their supporters the belief that without the democrats they can have no success. After 60 years of the same policies many have realized that these policies will not insure success for them.

While we have seen protests concerning police abuse by black citizens, we now see much of the worst rioting is being done by young white anarchists. Is their objective to make life better for the black community or to attempt to have a socialist revolution? It appears black voters are again being manipulated for political advantage. One must wonder if they are again going to fall for this false narrative that this is the way to advance their families conditions.

In the 1960's, reforms were put in place to ensure better representation for black citizens. They now have black political control of many of the largest cities in the country. Many have the mayor, the council, and police chief, and also a majority black police force. So is the problem racism or democratic policies that most Black politicians have embraced.

Hopefully they will wake up and see that their policies are a dead end, cutting back on police and raising taxes and more programs will not make these cities better. A strong growing private sector economy is what is needed. This coupled with policies for private sector job training will insure opportunity and a rising standard for all.

If these current policies are continued and these radical new ideas put into place by local and state government it will likely result in de facto segregation and  declining opportunity.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Government can't protect you from virus.



As we see an increase in corona virus cases in states which had low numbers up to now, it is evident that this virus will persist over the summer and likely increase in the fall. Many expect some sort of government action is necessary to eradicate the virus, but there is very little that the government can do to eliminate this virus. Lock-downs just slow the transmission and lead to the virus threat lasting longer. We were told that the goal was to flatten the curve to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed. That goal was accomplished.

It is possible that an effective vaccine will take years to perfect and possibly may actually never occur. The idea of shutting down the economy until a vaccine is perfected is a very serious gamble that will lead to possibly more problems than the virus.

What we need is good accurate information about the risks and the methods to protect the vulnerable population. The government agencies have not done well in doing this. First they lied to the general population about the use of masks, telling everyone that they were ineffective and only to be used by medical professionals, then they changed their story and made the use of masks mandatory. They now admit that they intentionally lied about this to lessen the demand for masks. They could have told people to use scarfs or bandannas, but they did not. How many infections could have been avoided if people would have used face covering? This information was put out by the experts. Their credibility is now in question.  

Everyone was aware of the risk to the elderly and those with existing health problems. We knew this before any cases were reported in the United States. The first serious case were in a nursing home in Washington State, yet many state health departments did not take the necessary action to protect these vulnerable people. Nursing home residents were helpless sitting ducks with no ability to defend themselves. It is a fact that the Governors of Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey and others forced nursing homes to take in corona virus patients.With over 40% of the deaths in the U.S. occurring in Nursing homes and over 65% in Pennsylvania, were is the outrage at this incompetence. The Pa. secretary of health moved her mother from a nursing home, but did not advise others to bring their elderly home if they could.

If you are depending on government action to protect you, you are going to be disappointed.

The young and healthy are not going to be locked up any longer, nor should they. Those who are vulnerable should lock themselves in if they feel that is necessary. They need to protect themselves and let the young and healthy live in a normal way. As the virus hits more of the population the vulnerability will decrease and hopefully a vaccine will be developed. Nature will work its will and eventually the risk will decline, but the government is really not GOD and does not have the ability to protect us from everything.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Democrats are obsessed with race.



Image result for racism in america

In the 2012 presidential campaign the Obama campaign publicly admitted that they had come to the conclusion that they could win without the support of white men. Their campaign then went about tailoring their campaign to ensure a large black turnout at the polls. They also focused on the women vote. This with their coalition of LGB supporters, government unions and any other groups of disaffected were targeted with the old policy of stoking fear and greed to gain voter support. Fear of the police and white people and promises of more benefits and free government programs.

The fear and anger in the black community was encouraged with pumping high profile cases, beginning with the Zimmerman case in Florida. The administration with the help of their allies in the media, NBC actually edited the 911 call by Zimmerman to enhance their effort. This was followed by the Brown case in Missouri, with the rioting and pillaging that lasted for weeks. This was all hyped up to create hatred and division to encourage minority votes. The media was of course a willing accomplice in stoking the division.

This was followed by organized protests by left wings groups like," Black lives Matter ", Antifa, "Move on.Com" etc. Mostly railing about the injustices endured by blacks, perpetrated by white men and white society. Of course all this was portrayed as a civil rights issue, Social Justice was a new phrase, which really meant redistribution.  "White privilege", was another which was just a racist term that was used to encourage white guilt. All this was no more than psychological warfare in a quest for political power.

It worked, Obama won re-election and the framework was embraced by the Democratic party to ensure political power for the foreseeable future.

The same strategy was foisted on poor Hillary Clinton in 2016, the only problem was, she was not black and she was running against Donald Trump who was willing to engage and push back against the whole social justice, white privilege and the racist labeling of white society as evil and the cause of any misfortune endured by any group, whether black, women, LGB, Hispanic and now Muslim. 

This was outrageous, that someone would have the audacity to not be shamed into doing their will by labels of Racism, Bigotry or Xenophobia.  It was just not right that attempts at evoking shame and guilt did not work anymore.

The whole civil rights movement was begun with the idea of making race a non issue in all things, whether employment, housing, personal relationships, but it has now become a psychological and political weapon to push down and crush anyone who resists doing their will.

It seems their will is to transform the United States from a country that ensured opportunity for all to do the best they can with the gifts that they have to a mediocre existence of government guaranteed minimal, but equal, quality of life.

This would be accomplished by a transfer of wealth from those who have striven for generations to improve the lives of themselves and their descendants by providing a stable home life and working hard for the long term.

The new promise is, we the government, will tax and confiscate from those that have to provide for those who do not. Any resistance will inevitably be enforced by shaming or the bayonet when necessary. This is not the philosophy this country was founded on and prospered with, but is the same old Marxist philosophy that has cost the lives and created suffering for millions.

Originally published 7/16/2019, and even more relevant today.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Assault on black lives will increase in Americas inner cities.



It is the old saying, "Be careful what you wish for",  you may just get it. That is the reality of America's inner cities today. Without a doubt police are going to be reluctant to answer calls in neighborhoods were they have been subjected to ridicule, insults and assault. It is only human nature to avoid excessive risk. It is just a survival instinct.

Why would any sane police officer go into areas where it has been demonstrated that he is not wanted. These neighborhoods protect the lawless and do not want the law enforced. That is likely to be the trend for the foreseeable future.

Maybe they in their infinite wisdom can come up with a better solution in their neighborhood. They have made it clear that police are not the answer. They can appoint, elect or however they choose have a cadre of social workers to council the lawless and reason with them to respect the lives and property of the citizens of their neighborhood. They should have the right to choose what kind of society they want to have in their neighborhood. If it is without police, so be it. 

So far the statistics are not good, the numbers of murders, assaults and shootings have increased dramatically in recent weeks.  The number of black lives lost, by the hand of other blacks, is skyrocketing. Hopefully, maybe the worst offenders will eliminate each other and peace and tranquility will become the norm. 

America has always been a nation of innovation and new possibilities. We have often questioned norms that have been around for thousands of years. After all, we were the first to decide we did not want a king to rule over us. Many of the founders believed this experiment required self discipline from the populace to succeed.  Self-restraint guided by moral values is a requisite for self government. Every once in while some in society believes it has to reinvent the wheel. It is often a great learning experience.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

BLM, Antifa , Democrat,s brown shirts



It seems more than just a coincidence that as the election season begins, so does the civil unrest. We saw similar activity before the 2012 and then 2016 election. While the pretense for all this is the George Floyd incident in Minneapolis it is obvious this would have occurred anyway. There surely would have been another incident to use as excuse to initiate the chaos. Now that it is underway it will be continued and possibly accelerated until the November election.  

It is likely that Obama's Organizing for Action is instrumental in coordinating much of these activities. It is all part of the Obama theory that the black vote is key to Democratic Presidential success. Obama received a landmark turn out from Black Voters, which is very understandable, due to the historic nature of his candidacy. He attempted to transfer this enthusiasm over to his stated third term candidacy of Hillary Clinton without the same success. It seems he is about to use the same strategy to attempt to insure a win for his now endorsed candidacy of Joe Biden.

Obama was instrumental in pushing Biden over the top in the democratic primary in South Carolina, it seemed that and a concerted organizing effort by the Democratic establishment was enough to overcome Bernie Sanders grass roots campaign. Biden's campaign is being run by the former Obama staff and it is expected that if he wins, his administration will be staffed by Obama selected picks. If Biden should win this truly would be an Obama third term.

All this chaos is being encouraged and enabled by Democrat Mayors and Governors, who are willing participants in allowing their cities to be destroyed in a coordinated effort to win the next election. Democrat Governors have also been instrumental in shutting down their economies in the hope of keeping the economy from thriving until after the election. They are willing to destroy their cities and economies to win the next election, What are they going to do then, even if they would win. 

Their states will be in a decimated condition and then they will proclaim that we need to fundamentally transform America from a white ruled, constitutional republic to a socialist America. They will promise equality and social justice with the government controlling all aspects of life in America. The progressive era is over, it is now time for socialist revolution.

This has been going on for some time. The attacks on the nation, its founders, the constitution, the rule of law, all in an effort to weaken and destabilize from within. Then in the midst of the democrat created crisis they will propose the transformation to save the country from its racist, colonial and unjust past. It will be a program of wealth redistribution, economic regulation and control of all energy and food. It will be a historic disaster for this country and the world.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

There are some who hate America



Image result for democratic socialists

Finally the progressives have revealed what they really want. It is the transformation of America from a capitalist free market economy into a socialist government managed and controlled country.

For years they have attempted to run stealth campaigns trying to hide what their true goals where, but now there no longer is any doubt about their intentions. This is a good thing, lets have the debate! Let both side be honest about their goals and outcomes for the country. Then we can let the voters decide, this is how it should be. 

It is now clear, that the progressives, both democrat and republican want the elimination of the southern border, some will admit it, some won't, but they believe that they can overwhelm the countries health care system, social service system and dilute the votes of American citizens. This will aid them to implementing national government healthcare and insure they can maintain a monopoly on government power.

We also see that they want to take control of the countries energy and food system, They will be able to eventually decide what and how much energy can be used and by whom. What kind of foods will be available to help save on health care costs.

It has been evident since the 1990's that they desire to eliminate the possession of firearms from American civilians. Have no doubt, that this is their goal. With the policies they envision they would certainly like to eliminate any real resistance.

The United States has been the greatest experiment in self government in world history. It has produced the greatest opportunity for economic success, the best healthcare system in the world and the most  freedom for individuals any where in the world. It has had a justice system that has been the most stable in the world, but things have been changing. 

We have already seen cracks in many areas of our country. Wherever the government has entered results have declined. Our healthcare system has suffered since the introduction of the affordable care act. 

Our education system has not kept up since we have accepted one size fits all mandates by government. 

Our justice and legal system has been corrupted by the politicization of our legal system. 

We have seen a deterioration of race and gender relations. Mostly caused by the attempt by the progressives to divide the country for political advantage. Progressive policies have all but destroyed the African-American family and those statistics are growing in all families in America, they have used the differences between men and women to label men's normal mentality as an aberration that should be condemned and changed. The 2 parent stable american family is in danger and the policies of the last 50 years have hastened that deterioration. 

So, we will see, America is going to have a choice to make, do we want to go full speed ahead to a Totalitarian socialist government or restore the country to a place of opportunity, and economic and social stability.

If we choose to go down the road to total socialism we can expect to see a flight from paper assets into hard assets and anything not subject to be taxed and confiscated. We can expect to see a decline in the overall wealth of the nation. A decline in services and a increasing authoritarian government to enforce mandates in social and economic policy.

Americans have become increasingly out of touch with the realities of life. Maybe the time is here for a large dose of suffering that is the inevitable result of socialism.

Originally published 3/8/2019

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Sit down restaurants open in Schuylkill and Carbon county



Sit down restaurants opened in Schuylkill and Carbon county for the second weekend. They have reduced seating, but generally business was good. I went out for breakfast yesterday morning and it seems the crowd is coming slightly later than the past, but business was off to a brisk start. 

There is a reported boom in Real Estate with houses selling within days of being listed and often inquiries received with just a rumor of an upcoming listing.

Hardware stores are having the best business that they can remember. Implement dealers report strong sales of farm and garden machinery.

Home improvement centers are continuing to experience strong sales with lumber prices rising and shortages of some lumber products reported across the country.

There is a year long waiting list for swimming pools.

There is a year long waiting list for pole buildings and garages.

Auto sales have been reported to be strong.

While some businesses are still closed in Lehigh and Northampton county it is benefiting adjoining counties who are open. 

Big box retail stores may not recover in the near future. There are many other options to find what you need and once people get into the habit of their changed buying habits it may be hard to turn around. They will need an aggressive campaign to regain their market share.

While take out seems to be going well for some local restaurants, the competition in nearby counties for sit down dining will likely hurt their business. It is time to reopen the rest of the state. There is now an unfair disadvantage against those counties still closed.

Overall it seems the economy is recovering well. Some business's report employees are reluctant to come back to work, since they are making more on the enhanced unemployment than working. Many are getting over $1000 a week tax free. This program runs until July 31, it will likely not be extended.

While there are still weak sectors in the economy, further stimulus may be counter productive to the long term recovery.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Will Black lives be better after latest unrest?



We have seen the protests about the death of George Floyd now evolve into the a new phase. Cities are encouraged to diminish and or even disband their police department. Corporations are in the process of funding any so called black organization that threatens them with being label racist. A new national holiday is being called for, one that after questioning everyone I came into contact in the last week had never heard of before. This is likely due to everyone I know being racist.

We hear that the only solution to be forgiven for this situation is $14 Tirllion in reparations for slavery. The list goes on and becomes longer by the day. 

We see that the destruction of monuments and statues has now evolved into any American leader from the past.

We can expect that the growth of black civil rights organizations will now grow dramatically. Many will be headed by the same players that have been around for decades. Many will likely be just another cover for Marxist propaganda.

The real question is, will any of this actually increase the standard of living or bring respect to everyday black families? 

With chaos descending on the cities, we can see and actually witness now another round of white flight from the cities. This will result in a decline of the tax base. We can expect many businesses, including those willing to hand over money to black or Marxist activists, to refrain from building in the inner cities. The plight of the cities will become a major crisis of the near future. With the lack of revenue due to the shutdown and now the chaos from the activists, their future is dim.

The Federal government cannot rescue these cities. Only sound fiscal policy and economic development can save these cities and sadly it is very unlikely to happen.

What Blacks really want is respect. Personal respect and respect as a group. The events of the last few weeks have not produced any increase in respect. Respect cannot be forced or gained by intimidation or extortion. Affirmative action and other preferences, while maybe well meaning, will not produce respect. Pity at the plight of the black family will not produce respect. Advocating a redistribution of wealth based on groups will not produce respect.

Respect is an intangible that is either there or not. It is earned by a long sustained effort. It can be earned by people who may not even be liked. It is often even earned by enemies in war. It is earned by competitors whether winning or losing. It is a human emotion or whatever you want to call it that is not something that can be controlled or mustered up. All that we see going on now will not lead to more respect.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Bolton book, politically timed, same issues as 2016.



John Bolton: After Kim Jong Un claim, US should resume South Korea ...

John Bolton's new book has all the adjectives of all the previous tell-all books, devastating, bombshell, etc. all in an attempt to diminish the Trump administration and its policies. 

As in the 2016 election the establishment of both parties have 2 major concerns, the first is trade, which has been the main focus of this administration.They have decried the trade wars, as they call them. What they are concerned about is any move to cut down on Chinese imports will hurt the profit margins of many major corporations, who are nothing more than import companies. They have no concern for bringing back jobs to north America. As in the past, they would rather focus on food stamps, guaranteed incomes and other government benefits, rather than have self relient and proud American workers.  

While this fits perfectly into the platform of the new Democratic socialist party, it is also backed by many Republicans who also support that plan, but more quietly.

The other object of their discontent is foreign relations. We have had the same foreign policy no matter the president, for the last 30 years. It is an interventionist policy of destabilization of the middle east and many other parts of the world. The U.S. has been the police for global government. We still have troops stationed in over 100 countries. This interventionism was mostly paid for by American money and blood with little to show for it. These actors hate that Trump has pointed out their failed foreign policy.

No one talks about the fact that we have a lot less troops in the middle east under Trump. Interesting that the middle East is also not the daily headline any more. International terrorism is at a low point. This is not due to the likes of John Bolton or the other behind the scenes players who have controlled U.S. foreign policy for decades. They also advocated for regime change in Ukraine, Egypt, Syria, Libya and even Israel. Does anyone take notice that while there is still chaos in those countries it is in the process of stabilization.

One must wonder if they have focused  their regime change policy, even possible revolution, on the internal affairs of the United States. We now see many of the same hallmarks of other regime change revolutions.

John Bolton was hired by Trump for the specific role as the bad cop in the negotiations with North Korea. Bolton never really wanted any negotiations with North Korea. He favored the past policy of no communication or dialogue. He favored a policy of regime change and confrontation. Trump wanted to try strong sanctions and an offer of a new North Korea as part of the world community. It is likely Bolton was intent on undermining this approach. It was the opinion of the North Korean negotiators that no deal was possible while Bolton was part of the team. It is likely he used his role to undermine, maneuver and attempt to move Trump into the past policies. He was eventually fired.

He will likely never get a job in any future administration. He hopes to get one last benefit for his government service with his book.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Atlanta charges, short term appeasement, long term pain for country



This latest episode in the continuing saga of race relations in the United States began in Minneapolis with a video that disturbed all America. It has now escalated to demanding appeasement through over charging police officers and is moving to demanding tribute form business and anyone who will fork over money to keep the forces of anarchy at bay. Tribute did not work for ancient Rome and it will It  not work now. Appeasement will just create a climate of demanding more under the threat of violence. If this is not stopped now it will descend into a situation of lawlessness and anarchy. The United States and much of the western world is looking very much like 1930's Europe.

Make no mistake, this is not a series of spontaneous events, but a plan that has been on the shelf for years. The triggering events are spontaneous, but the response is a planned destabilizing of the country. With the latest over charging of the police officers in Atlanta, you can bet many of the police officers in the country are going to take a step back in enforcing the law. It may very well lead to no-go zones were the police will refuse or be very slow to respond. Can anyone blame them. They are caught in the crossfire between the forces of anarchy and the political correct politicians. Is this the beginning of the, "fundamental transformation of America". Does anyone think we are moving to better place?

With the possibility that the police will no longer be able to control the forces moving in the country, it will force citizens to fend for themselves. No one should want to see such a change taking place. It may unleash a bitter and deadly escalation that may be unstoppable. No race group or other group will have a better future if this is were we are going. 

It seems the political forces on the left are willing to burn the country to the ground, if that is what it takes to regain power. They have been willing to support and unleash lawlessness to accomplish their goal of a socialist America. It is likely they will also be devoured in the ensuing chaos they have unleashed.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Tough love, best policy for wayward Mayors and Governors



President Trump's frustration in watching riots, looting and the take-over of part of an American city have resulted in his contemplating intervening in these cities to restore order. This is the time to let the citizens of those states and cities to bear the burden of their election decisions. They voted for these politicians who promised them a Utopian environment. Who are often unable to act in a decisive way to protect the lives and property of the law abiding. Who have been on a course of coddling law breakers and are willing to experiment in failed socialist ideas. Let them alone. Do not assist them, unless they plead in writing and in public, for some specific assistance. 

Any intervention by this President would only be another criticism by the media and the democrats that he is an authoritarian, lusting after power, a racist and all the other typical talking points of the last 4 years. Let them experience the results of their policies and they promise to be devastating. These cities can expect a flight of the law-abiding and those who have the financial means to leave in mass. They can expect to see many businesses leave or not choose to locate in these cities and states. This has been the result of these types of policies in the past. Let them be a visual result for the rest of the nation to observe.

This is a similar situation as what we have witnessed in Venezuela. The destruction of a prosperous and thriving country in a very short time. These similar policies result in similar results, it is inevitable. Let the nation witness these results to hopefully save the nation from these policies spreading throughout the country. It is tough love for the nation.

These cities and states are going to be facing very difficult times in the near future. The decisions they have made in the last year will result in a financial crisis far more severe than many have ever experienced. They are all hoping for a financial bailout from the federal government. It is unlikely that even the federal government will be able to solve their financial problems, some which have been the result of financial mismanagement for decades. More tough love is in order. Let them elect responsible and competent managers to solve their problems. 

We will likely see some double down on their delusional ideas. Let them disband their police department. Let them refuse to prosecute petty theft. Let them continually raise the taxes until their tax base evaporates. Let them learn early on that there are certain laws of human nature and human psychology that they cannot change or control. Let the nation and the world view the results of their delusional leadership, hopefully it will save the nation in the long run.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Black lives matter, except in Chicago



Why Black Lives Matter | Ben & Jerry's

We see groups like "Black Lives Matter" protesting all over the country. They often now are protesting were there have not even been any incidents of black deaths by the police. Are they really interested in saving black lives or is their real purpose to weaken law enforcement to the point that we live in a constant state of anarchy and chaos. 

Are there incidents of abuse by police? yes. Should the police be held accountable when they break the law? of course.  We are being told incidents of death while being apprehended by police are due to systematic racism.That some police get up every morning intent on looking for and abusing any black that they can encounter. All the incidents that have been sensationalized in the last few years have had to due with physical contact while attempting to restrain someone while resisting arrest.

We now see politicians coming up with a long list of what not to do, while restraining a suspect. This is OK, but they all need to come up with solutions as to what police should do in physically restraining someone. Give the police a clear policy on how to restrain someone who refuses to go quietly, who may be significantly stronger and larger than the police, who may be on mind altering and physically enhancing drugs. You can't tell the police they need to bring in these offenders but give them no way to actually accomplish their duty. Or tell them them that if they resist, to just let them go. Sometimes it seems that is the real goal of all this.

Personally I do not believe that police should be required to physically wrestle with anyone. They need to be given the tools to apprehend someone by mechanical means quickly and without a risk of harm to themselves. We are still using 18th century handcuffs, if you can get the suspect to allow you to get them placed. We have hi-tech everything, but we expect police to use primitive physical power to restrain these suspects. If you think about it, it  is a little ridiculous. Police could use their weapon to quickly end a confrontation, but that is not acceptable. Lets give the police tools to accomplish their duties without personally coming into contact with their suspects.

Put out the word, for a method to restrain people quickly and safely, whether a huge shot of quick hardening glue or  a gun that shoots long strands of quick hardening adhesive. I don't have the answer, but I am sure we have the ability to come up with a better alternative than wrestling.

As for black lives, over the memorial day weekend in Chicago we witnessed 49 shootings, 25 murders, the vast majority of black youth, often under 18. I do not recall any marching or protesting in Chicago concerning these deaths. Are deaths that result from black on black violence acceptable? Is keeping it in the family Ok? Is it just part of business in Chicago?  This is also going on daily in other major cities, where is the outrage? Is it too much to expect for blacks to have respect for other black lives? Or do only white people need to be concerned about black lives?

Thursday, June 11, 2020

A young black women's view of the George Floyd melodrama



GoFundMe stops campaign sponsored by Candace Owens after George ...

While watching the soap opera like 2 week wake and funeral of George Floyd one would think he should be lifted up as a role model for black America. It has not been an exercise in encouraging excellence, but in encouraging victim hood. It will not likely result in an improvement in the black experience, but just further cement the stereotype of a community of victims whose future is determined by others rather than themselves.

I could write about what has transpired in the last several weeks as a replay of the last few years of using tragic incidents to instill guilt in white folks for the black experience in America. I am sure many would proclaim a white person has no right to criticize the black community. There are certain undeniable truths that are eternal, no matter ones race. It is that bad choices result in bad outcomes.

Candace Owens is a young, educated, black Conservative women, who is a figure of hope for the black community. She also give me a hope that better things are possible. She is likely to be castigated and persecuted for her honest view of this whole affair.   

She can say it better than I ever could.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Is Patriarchy the cause or the cure of social ills?



Jimmy Lydon remembers “Life with Father”

Patriarchy, " a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line."

In recent years we have seen and heard a growing chorus of those who label patriarchy. I grew up in a time of, I will call it modern patriarchy, it was a time when fathers were respected for their role in providing for and guiding their family. There were of course some that were better than others, it is a very difficult job being a father. Likewise being a mother, maybe even a more difficult role if truly engaged in.

We now see this as an idea that is considered antiquated, fathers are no longer an essential part of a family, in fact they are mostly chastised as being rigid, authoritarians. All family structures are now considered equal in value, even same sex partners raising children.

This assault on this family structure began in the 1960's . Much of it had to do with mothers beginning to work out of the home and becoming financially independent. Financial dependence often kept many families together through the rocky and difficult periods of family life. There was also a coordinated effort to lower the respect for fathers. Hollywood mostly portrayed fathers as stupid and out of touch with the realities of the modern family.

One of the biggest incentives to be a responsible father is respect. While we understand that respect has to be earned, it is often latter in life that we realize the value of our fathers.  Children need guidance, some more than others. They need to be taught respect, this is mostly taught through discipline. Fathers are most qualified to install respect through discipline. Children who do not learn about discipline will likely grow undisciplined in their personal behavior. Such a trait will likely have a bad result for them personally, for their future family and for society. It is about learning about consequences and needs to be learned at an early age.

While some women have the ability to teach their children discipline and consequences, most do not, especially if they did not learn it from their fathers at an early age. Women tend to lean toward the philosophy of unconditional love. This may be a biological or a genetic trait that can moderate the discipline traits of fathers. Two parents are better then one, one a male and one a female.

Today in the majority of families the women has much more authority in the realm of discipline, often to the point that there is none. Everything is good, everything is praise, no consequences. this is of course not the case for everyone, there are women in single family households who have done great jobs under a handicapped situation.

If fathers are considered only valuable for their financial support, they will be less likely to fulfill their responsibility as fathers. Possibly spending their thoughts and time on other matter like watching football, working and possibly tuning out.  In the black community it is often pointed out that mothers with dependent children can earn more divorced or unmarried than married. Many family situations feel that they are better off with child support and alimony and be rid of the father influence.

The father being the head of the household was likely an evolutionary structure that was needed for survival. It was embraced by all religions as the fundamental building block of society. In today's modern society many believe survival is ensured by government programs or legal requirements, but government programs and legal requirements cannot replace a respected father.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Who are the leaders of the new communist revolution.



Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist | Page 170

Below is the web page of Refuse Fascism, a communist organization intent on creating chaos and hoping to transform America into a communist state. Below is information from Wikipedia on the background of their leader Bob Avakian, Many of the leaders who still propose fundamentally changing America are the same individuals who were creating chaos and division in the 1960's. Some are now holding political positions in the government, media and other influential positions. 

Barack Obama was helped in his introduction to politics by Bill Ayers and Beradine Dorn, both members of the 1960's weather underground. His other mentor was Frank Marshall Davis a communist leader from the 1960's. He has had associations with many more such individuals. 

You can see by their web page they propose to keep up the demonstrations and protests until the election in November. 

These groups hope to increase their influence by becoming leaders and activists in any protests they can become a part of.

Robert Bruce "Bob" Avakian (born March 7, 1943)[1] is a political activist who has been the leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (RCP) since 1979. Serving as the party's Chairman, Avakian developed the organization's official ideology, a theoretical framework rooted in Maoism, called "the New Synthesis" or the "New Communism."[2] Coming out of the New Left,[3] Avakian has written several books over four decades, including an autobiography.
Avakian was born in Washington, D.C., and grew up in Berkeley, California.[1] His father, Spurgeon Avakian, was an Armenian American lawyer, civil rights activist, and judge on the Alameda County, California superior court.[1][4][5]

As a young man, Avakian became involved with the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at Berkeley, the Free Speech Movement[4] and the Black Panther Party.[3] In 1968, he wrote articles for the Peace and Freedom Party's publications[6] and in July 1969, he spoke at the Black Panther conference in Oakland, California.[7] By the time that SDS split into three factions in summer 1969, Avakian was a leading member of the Revolutionary Youth Movement II faction, and was their candidate for National Secretary. Although defeated for the top position by Mark Rudd of the faction soon known as Weatherman, Avakian was elected to the National Interim Committee.[8] During that period, Avakian was a leading member of the Bay Area Revolutionary Union.[9]
In the early 1970s, Avakian served a prison sentence for desecrating the American flag during a demonstration.[4] He was charged with assaulting a police officer in January 1979 at a demonstration in Washington, D.C. to protest Deng Xiaoping's meeting with Jimmy Carter.[3][10][11] After receiving an arrest warrant, Avakian "jumped bail" and fled to France.[4] In 1980, he gave a speech to 200 protestors in downtown Oakland[12] and his police assault charges were dropped a few years later.[1][3]
In 2005, Avakian published an autobiography called From Ike to Mao and Beyond: My Journey from Mainstream America to Revolutionary Communist.[1][13][14] Avakian has been the Revolutionary Communist Party's central committee chairman and national leader since 1979.[12][15] In 2016, the Revolutionary Communist Party USA and others helped form the organization Refuse Fascism, which opposes the presidency of Donald Trump.
PROTEST! DC & Everywhere Saturday, June 6 2020: TRUMP/PENCE OUT NOW!