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Saturday, October 24, 2020

Will 2020 be a 2016 repeat?



Image result for joe biden for president 2020

It looks like 2020 will be a very similar campaign as we saw in 2016. Joe Biden will have the same appeal as Hillary Clinton. He is the ultimate establishment candidate. He will be favored over Sanders and every advantage will be given him by the Democratic establishment. 

He will be supported by those who oppose any changes in trade rules. The same rules that he voted for in the past. The rules that have resulted in huge profits for international corporations while putting working class citizens on welfare and food stamps, resulting in a permanent dependent class. 

He will tout the advantages of unlimited immigration as the standard of America. 

He will support the foreign policy of the geniuses who have controlled foreign policy for the last 40 years.

He is the same progressive ideology of the rest of the democrats, but he will attempt to be the candidate of the middle class, he will attempt to revert back to the old standby stealth candidate on most issues. You can expect many generalities and few details. 

He is running as if he has already won the democratic nomination, and in effect he has done just that, not at the voting booth, but in the back rooms and board rooms of those who control the democratic party. 

While he will embrace most of the social and redistribution policies of the left, his main function will be to ensure the status quo of the present ruling class. To insure that they stay in power for decades to come. He will have the support of both the republican and democrat establishment. You can expect that the media will quickly jump on board to make him look the savior of the country.

You can expect to see many of the 20 candidates begin to drop out and pledge support for Biden in the coming months.

It will be interesting to see if Sanders and his supporters will allow it to happen again. The establishment doubts it can control Bernie Sanders.

The question is, can he keep up with Sanders and then Trump on the campaign trail, after being on the shelf for the last 10 years, does he have what it takes to complete the coming marathon?

How will he explain the comparison between 8 years as vice-president to the roaring economy of today?

Originally published 4/30/2019,  

1 comment:

  1. looks like the establishment democrats are set on taking Bernie out again. Its interesting that they will keep all the opposition tied up in Washington with impeachment so Biden will hopefully close the gap in the early states.


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