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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Is Hunter Biden a victim or a villain?



There is much controversy about emails found on a lap-top owned by Hunter Biden and dropped off at a Delaware Repair shop. It seems the lap-top was never reclaimed and then became the property of the shop owner. It seems this lap-top was turned over to the FBI in December 2019. The owner, concerned about his safety, also made copies and forwarded one to Rudy Guiliani. It seems it has been verified that this laptop was dropped off by Hunter Biden and that it is verified that the FBI has this laptop. 

It is common knowledge that Hunter Biden has had a troubled past, including drug use and improprieties with women. His partners in business Devon Archer and Bevan Cooney have been convicted of fraud in relation to investments by an Indian Tribe to the tune of over 50 million dollars, so far Biden has escaped prosecution in this matter. Bevan Cooney has just turned over thousands of emails to a media company.

Archer was also on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma along with Hunter Biden. They were paid millions for serving on the board.  Archer was also part of the investment company that he and Biden were awarded the contract to invest 1.5 Billion of Chinese government money. Much of this money was invested in strategic minerals in Africa and dual military and commercial manufacturing companies. It has been reported that Biden won this contract after flying to China in Air Force 2 with his father Joe Biden.

It is reported that Hunter Biden has complained in emails that he has been supporting the whole family for 30 years. It is also reported to have complained that he has to give half his earnings to his father. If it is true that Hunter has been engaged in these activities for 30 years, that would mean he has been doing this since he was a young man. Is it possible he was instructed on who to contact and how to proceed and trusted that he was doing a good thing. As he grew up it could be devastating to learn that this trust had put him into a very vulnerable position that he would not likely be able to exit. While this is speculation it could explain the drug use and erratic behavior by someone who should have had a bright future. 

While we as yet do not know the whole story, it is obvious that Hunter Biden has been involved in corrupt dealings for a family member of a high government official. Can anyone believe he made these deals on his own? He had no skills in energy, did not speak Ukrainian, his only asset was his father, who claims he had no knowledge of his sons dealings. Why would the Chinese government award Hunter Biden the contract to invest $1.5 billion for them? Is he the most qualified investment banker available?

While the Biden's are now under the microscope, it should not be assumed that this just Democrat corruption. I believe that this is a symptom of wide spread third world type corruption engaged in by members of both parties, aided by government bureaucrats and often ignored by the media. The question is not if there is serious corruption in our federal government, but how widespread and how deep.  

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