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Friday, October 30, 2020

Buckle your seat belts, Post election likely to be a rough ride.



No matter who the winner is on November 3rd. or whenever this election is finally settled it is just another battle in the continuing political war. The problem is there is no unity or consensus in regards to the future direction of the country. The two competing faction have diametrically opposite visions for the country. There is virtually nothing that these two sides agree upon. 

Besides that reality, a new crisis has been created. While the Covid-19 pandemic is still with us, the day will come when it will be brought under control. It will have little to do with government action, but likely will be a problem until a viable vaccine is made available to most of the country. The virus will go away, but the casualties of political war in the inner cities will fester for years to come.

Many governors and big city mayors were willing to allow rioting, looting and general mayhem to reign in their cities in an effort to stimulate minority voters to vote for the democrats. They also were willing to shut down their cities in mass, rather than targeting the most vulnerable populations in another hope that economic hardship could be blamed on Donald Trump. When the election is over they will be left with huge deficits, a loss of economic activity, and an exodus of wealth out of their cities and states. Some of these cities will likely go the way of Detroit of the late 60's. Some may very well never recover. It is likely that federal government will not have the wherewithal to rescue them.

Those are realities no matter who the winner of the election. If Donald Trump wins the election you will likely see social unrest in much of the democrat controlled cities and states. It will be interesting to see their response now that the election is not in the play. Especially since their police departments have been decimated by retirements and resignations. Recruitment of qualified good candidates may become a near impossibility. I do not see any solution to these problems. Many states and cities that have not been decimated will likely return to prosperity, but it will likely be an urban vs suburban and rural economic divide. 

If Joe Biden is elected you can expect a flight from paper assets into hard goods and assets. A virtual shutdown in business spending and likely the beginning of a cycle of massive unemployment. An intensified flight from the urban areas by citizens of means and business. This will likely be followed by authoritarian government measures to tax and restrict the flight of capital and possibly assets, which will result in a further escalation of flight and avoidance. The preppers could now look like true prophets and may be finally vindicated.

I don't think there will be any softening in the position of the Marxist revolutionaries in either case. Many of these activists will view either reality as a political opportunity. The rest of the citizens will likely be hardened in defense of their liberties, assets and property. At this point only a peaceful, amicable divorce will restore peace and tranquility. It is the Marxist revolutionaries who cannot exist without the production and assets of the other side. Only a miracle will allow all this to end well, and any such belief is not politically correct.

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