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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Democrat policy makers continue to believe their own spin.



Democrat policy makers and their cohorts in the media never had a serious agenda for the future of the country. They ran on reversing any initiatives put forward by Donald Trump. They actually believed that simply overturning Trumps policies would result in a positive result. They believed their own lies and misinformation about Trump's policies, while never having any of their own. This is why everything they touched has turned into brown smelly stuff.

You can start with the border, Biden's first day wish, cancel the remaining wall, sending a message to those south of the border and beyond, that you are welcome. Promising free health care and benefits if you can just plant your feet on U.S. soil. All Biden had to do was maintain the inherited policy and he would have avoided disaster.

Then there was energy independence, Trump's policy had insured energy independence for the USA. It had guaranteed a stable price of gas and heating oil, a requisite for a sound economy. Another first day act of canceling permits on pipelines, banning drilling on federal land and any other edict he could think of to reverse Trump's policy has caused energy chaos here and around the world. This policy will lead to economic disaster in the near future.

If Biden was serious about replacing fossil fuels with other energy, then he should have had a policy to provide a real substitute, like nuclear fusion, but no, he just thought we would raise the cost of fossil fuel so high, that no one can afford it. Is this a serious policy for our country?

Of course, we had the economy, which was performing the best in decades, with record employment for black, hispanic, women and every other group. Rising wages on all. Then covid, with un thinking lockdowns and other draconian measures by democrat governors that dinged the economy, but it was running along at a reduced level, until Biden made it more lucrative to be unemployed than to be employed and now hopes to punish those who will not submit to his unconstitutional overreach. This economy is on the brink of freefall and his plan is to raise taxes, spending, debt and add more regulations. Yes, it is the reverse of Trump policy, that is all they know.

Then there is Biden's proven record on foreign policy, proven a disaster at every turn. From a amatuer withdrawal from Afghanistan, to withdrawing missile defense from Israel and Saudi Arabia,  to backing down on sanctions on Iran, which is now full speed ahead with their nuclear ambitions. Worse signals to North Korea, China and possibly surrender of Taiwan. I have not seen 1 positive development or real plan on foreign policy. Just more reversal of Trumps initiatives. 

I could go on and on, but the reality is these unaccomplished, mediocre bureaucrats who have never had a real job with consequences and expectations, who always got participation awards for trying, even if there were no results, these are the people running the country under the Biden administration and like their cohorts in the media live in an artificial world and everything has always been ok. It is not now OK and it is going to get a lot worse in the near future. Sadly they have no clue how to fix anything. 

originally published 10/13/21

We also now see the foreign policy disaster in Ukraine. A war that could have been avoided. An administration which could not think to make an accommodation. Which advised Ukraine to continue in the the failed NATO expansion idea. Now Ukraine is suffering for not making decisions for themselves. Of course, these infantile political puppets are still spinning. Ukraine is winning. Russia is collapsing. Their policies are working.  Spinning may work on the American voters, but you cannot spin up more gas or heating oil, nor can you spin a war into what you desire.

We now see with the destruction of the pipelines to the Germany and the EU another miscalculation by this administration. A miscalculation in an attempt to hold NATO together, that will spell doom for most of western Europe. We had better hope that this administration is stopped soon or they may believe that their only hope is a preemptive strike on Russia. 

Giving incompetents and fools dangerous power  may soon lead to the end of civilization as we know it.

The doomsday clock is now moved to 90 sec. to midnight. The Biden administration is miscalculating Russia's resolve to stop NATO expansion even to the point of nuclear war. Their intransigence and their denial of the realities of the situation in Ukraine is to the point that one side or the other seems to be willing to risk it all, rather to step back. Russia will never accept Ukraine in NATO, period. Just as we would  not accept a hostile alliance with missiles in Canada or Mexico or in any country in the western hemisphere. Our delusional foreign policy experts who have caused the deaths of 100,'s of thousand in the past 30 years have now gone all in on the big enchilada and the result is predictable even to those observing from the sidelines.


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