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Wednesday, January 18, 2023

World economic forum's vision: The New Feudalism



Early yesterday morning, I happened to catch the speech by Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the EU. She was very excited at her vision of the future, much of it had to do with being fossil fuel free in the near future. She claimed that after the pain of, "Creative Destruction", the EU would be the leader of the New World. It would be positioned to be the leader of this new world by manufacturing renewable energy and the new reality of the future. She obviously is sincerely a believer in her vision, a deluded elitist who has no idea what she is talking about. Her vision has a lot of destruction, but in reality not much chance of creating a better world.

Listening to many of speakers there is a chilling resemblance to speeches from the government officials of the leading European power of the 1930's. A godless, amoral view of the world that revolves around their view of their hope for a Utopian future. A future to be crafted by these elitists without any consideration for the lives of the those living on this planet which they claim to be saving.

A word about "Creative Destruction".Real creative destruction is the economic reality of when a better product or invention supplants an inferior by market forces, not by elitist government manipulation and force. Examples are kerosene supplanting whale oil and fat as lighting, then electric lights supplanting kerosene lamps. Or the automobile supplanting horses and wagons, it was a gradual evolution that often took decades and some of those older technologies are still used in some instances. It was a natural free market transition to a better solution. 

These people have the idea that THEY have the ability and the power to decide what should be done and it should be now and it should be by government force. Government force and the collaboration with corporate cooperation, again the real definition of Fascism and why these people are not much better than the leaders of 1930's Germany, but on a global scale. 

They talk of how the population should be learning how to live with less, less energy, less food, less travel and less freedom. All in the name of saving the planet. While some of these virtues are worthy goals, it should be by education that we all should be more conservative in our use of resources. Not by mandates from a group of elitists who fly around the world in their private or government paid for jets bloviating a lot of hot air that may be contributing to global warming.

Their vision of the future, is not, self government, socialism or communism but actually a reversion back to the feudalism of the past. A system that an elite bunch of Kings, Queens and aristocrats, ruling with an iron hand. Deciding who should live and die and in what fashion. A system of autocratic totalitarianism that was rejected in the 18th century by a planet changing revolution in North America.

A revolution they hope to reverse by appealing to those who believe the planet is in jeopardy, those who believe that they advocate for a socialist global government with happiness for all. The world should beware and resist and denounce the plans of this elitist group of fascist authoritarians before they can, in effect, destroy civilization as we know it.

1 comment:

  1. Besides the left over decedents of WW2 Germany, we have the U.S. contributions form the likes of Al Gore, the poser whose wealth came from family oil money and who was a big part of the carbon trading idea whereby him and his cohorts would have received a commission on every trade of theoretical carbon emissions. Who from the looks of it is not conserving food consumption, a part he could engage in to save the planet without hurting other people.
    Then there is the incompetent John Kerry who only gets invited because he has access to the Heinz catsup fortune, that he weaseled into by marriage,. Otherwise he likely would be unemployed.
    These are philosophical leaders who are used by the war profit mongers to continue to grow rich from the death and destruction of innocents and not to mention the destruction of planet one piece at a time.


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