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Monday, January 9, 2023

Restoring Democracy to the House of Representatives.



While there has been much anguish over the refusal of some 20 Republican Representatives to vote for the Speaker of the House. It it is all a step in the right direction. Will these concessions lead to a resolution of all the problems and the corruption of the process in Washington? No, but it is a step that should be applauded by Representatives on both sides of the isle. It was without a doubt a very brave and bold step taken by these representatives and the precedent will not be lost on members from all parties who have found that being a representative is often nothing more than being a bobble headed yes for the party leaders. This is often accomplished by rules that are designed to keep them quite and in compliance with the leaders of their party and often to forces outside the House of Representatives.

The SPEAKER of the house as the title signifies is a representative of the body of representatives. He was never meant to be the dictator of the house, who uses his power to intimidate, coerce or bribe the members to vote in a way that he or his fellow leaders dictate. If they attempt to rock the boat, they will be punished by refusing to give them any positions of authority, deny them resources for their re-election or attempt to smear them with some scandal or maleficence. This whole process minimizes true representation of those approximately 750,000 citizens that these elected people are supposed to represent.

Much of this has now been accepted by the populace as how it works and it should just be acknowledged as the usual practice in Washington and also most state capitals. It should be unacceptable by the electorate.

Much of this has to with seniority idea that seems to be in place. So, the person who has gone along to get along and reaped lots of pork for their district will enjoy all the perks and privileges bestowed by leadership. Lots of money for reelection, good reviews and praise by the media as to what a great and honorable self sacrificing citizen they are in the service of the people. Of course, this is all an effort to keep these people in the body and then into leadership because they help to keep the whole corrupt scheme in place. This is of course true for both parties.

The leadership of the House and Senate both have way too much power to craft and force through legislation that in a free and open debate by members would most likely be much different. 

Much of this past weeks debate is addressing the piling on of far reaching additions to legislation that is forced to be passed in a huge package. It is a way to perfume the corrupt smell from these addons that could never be passed on their own. 

Another is allowing for time to analyse and amend legislation, that become impossible when they delay bringing timely bills to the floor and then give them just hours to be passed. This is another outrageous abuse. All intended to force through things that are only apparent weeks and sometimes months and years later. Are these tactics meant to improve the lives of average citizens or for special interests?

More and more of this country and many foreign countries are now dependent on the largess dispensed from Washington. A largess that is going to be paid by U.S. citizens and their descendants through taxes, inflation or withering opportunity. A largess that benefits mostly special interests who have direct access to the greatest money machine in history, the United States government. The result is a national debt of over 30 Trillion dollars, a unfunded liability for social programs of over 100 Trillion dollars and the possible rejection of the dollar as the mainstay of world economic transactions. These abuses that have created a system that has not had a balanced budget since 1969, except for a couple years after the demise of the Soviet Union.

This is only a few of the reforms negotiated, time will tell if they will be sincerely implemented or will the punishment of the dissidents be swift and a lesson to the rest of the members.

We will see if Speaker McCarthy can become a Representative for the good of the country or will he fight to keep the gravy train going. 

In the meantime, we will be subjected to the labels placed on these brave individuals as traitors, insurrectionist, right wing crazies or whatever adjective they feel will bring the greatest condemnation. Do not be surprised that some will be accused of all types of moral inadequacy such as human trafficking and child abuse of some kind.  I assume when they took this bold step they were prepared to risk their future for the sake of reform of this corrupt system. I hope more appreciate their sacrifice.


  1. Our way of Governing was forever changed with the reign of Pelosi

  2. As far as the democrat congress under Pelosi, they could have all stayed home. Pelosi controlled every decision, but who controlled Pelosi is the real question?


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