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Thursday, January 5, 2023

House members practicing their biggest power, saying NO



The failure to elect Kevin McCarthy to House speaker is now looking like the first indication of what will be the function of this new House.  Many of the members, not only the 20 who have voting no, are disturbed by the leaders of the Republican Senate and House passing a continuing resolution on the budget. This action denied them the ability to use their positions to insure restraint on the spending until next fall. 

They now feel that the present leadership will cave in any negotiations in fashioning an actual budget resolution, a duty of the House, that has not been enacted since 2015. This and their concern for the raising of the annual debt limit as just another simple procedure, without any effort to control debt, is at the heart of much of this controversy. Without support of the Speaker there will be no restraint in fashioning an actual budget or raising the debt ceiling.

In actuality, this House will have no power in enacting any legislation, only in the ability to either deny or amend such legislation. Again, without a Speaker who is dedicated to these objectives it will just be more of the same. It seems many of the House members do not believe that McCarthy will be willing to use the power of the majority to attempt to change direction of the rubber stamp demanded by ever recurring threats of government shutdowns and a history of last minute voting or crisis. 

The other power of the Congress will be in oversight and investigation of the abuses and corruption in the Intelligence agencies of the government. The fascist cooperation of the media and the government to restrain free speech, the bedrock of a free country. The involvement of the intelligence agencies in actually pushing false and misleading information through all the major media outlets. This is the biggest threat to this country in its history. If not corrected and accountability defined it will be the end of this experiment in self government. Some believe that McCarthy will not be able to withstand the pressure from within the bureaucratic state to actually engage in meaningful action.

There is little risk to the country of the House being on hold for even months, if not days. The country will continue on and lives will go on without a working House of Representatives.

So, this is where we are. Those members who have now staked their political futures on the line have no choice but to hold fast or they will be destroyed by the leadership. It has already been made clear from the leadership that they will be put in the corner for the next two years. It is now one of those situations were they will either hang together and prevail or hang separately, one by one.


  1. The Republicans win control and look what happens. Can't believe they don't stick with McCarthy

  2. It does not give new members confidence watching McConnell glad handing with Biden about pork for Kentucky. While this is not McCarthy's fault it is enough to make everyone nervous.


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