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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

2 years of Covid, many unanswered questions.



With 3 months left in 2021 the death toll in the U.S. has surpassed 2020 with 353,000 to 352,000 reported deaths. This is with all the attempts to minimize contagion and a full year of vaccinations. It should becoming obvious that the idea of eliminating this virus is an illusion. It is a new virus that will likely be with us forever.

While the so called vaccines have likely lessened the extent of transmission it is also obvious that they are not true vaccines in that they diminish in effectiveness quickly and are not the end all weapon against this virus, it will require a much better vaccine than what we have, if that is even possible. 

So far, the only treatment seems to be the age-old monoclonal antibody therapy made from the blood of previously infected and recovered patients. It seems to be very effective, if given as soon as someone is tested positive for the virus. The CDC has stated that blood from vaccinated is not effective for making monoclonal antibody treatment. That is a very telling statement. 

The only other therapeutic approved by the FDA is Remdesivir which is very expensive and does not seem to be of much use.

Every attempt from frontline doctors and nurses to use other non-approved methods has resulted in an overwhelming negative response from the medical bureaucrats and the media, both of which has never treated a covid patient. I suspect the Fauci has not treated an actual patient in decades.

Pfizer and Israel entered into an agreement that Israel would do studies on the vaccine and virus in exchange for vaccine supplies. This was because it is small county with a largely vaccinated population. So far they have found that the effectiveness of the vaccine diminishes steadily in as little as 6 months. Is this actually a maintenance drug, rather than a vaccine? NIH 11/9/2021

The other result of these studies is that acquired immunity from having had the disease is 27x better than the vaccination at preventing another infection even the delta variant.  This may apply to other variants in the future. Science Insider 8/26/2021

So, this is the BIG question, why have the pharmaceutical companies not used the traditional method of using a dead or weakened virus to develop a vaccine?

And secondly, why is the government so opposed  to recognizing natural acquired immunity? They are still demanding 2 shots of vaccine to be considered vaccinated. While it seems most doctors are recommending none or 1 shot for previousing infected people.

The reason for the vaccine hesitancy is that this type of vaccine has never before been used on humans. The advantage seems to be in less costly manufacturing. Is this in effect the largest human trial of a new drug in history? Does anyone really know the long term effect over the next 10 years? While it may not be relevant to 80 year olds with health problems, it could be an issue for children and youth.

Would the pharmaceutical industry be so uncautious if they would not have received blanket immunity for any liability resulting from this vaccine?

Last question, why was the NIH, the defense department and the Wuhan institute so interested in experimenting with a virus particular to bats? Bats, how often have any of the readers had any close encounters with a bat? They are very reclusive and humans and bats seem to have a natural revulsion to each other.

So, that is just some questions for now, not trying to discourage the taking of vaccines or any real agenda other than there seems to be many unanswered questions that I believe we should have received  better answers to these questions by now.

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