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Monday, November 22, 2021

Another nail in the media's credibility coffin.



We have all heard about the Kyle Rittenhouse case. We were told by the media and the President  that he was an avowed white supremacist who went to the Kenosha riots, carried an illegal gun across state line and proceeded  to kill innocent protesters. We heard this repeated for over a year, whenever this case was mentioned. It was just another display of media bias, all in an attempt to produce a narrative for political purposes. Most of the media, particular CNN and MSNBC have lost all objectivity and are just a propaganda arm of the Democrat party. This was all part of the 2020 election campign.

While this scenario may have begun sooner, it was in February of 2012 That the Trayvon Martin/ George Zimmerman case became the first salvo in the Obama re-election campaign. NBC started by actually editing the 911 call of George Zimmerman to make it appear he was a racial predator. They replayed their edited tape and continually made this into a racial incident for political purposes. When the facts were revealed, Zimmerman was acquitted, then they used the acquittal to stoke more racial division. 

This pattern was repeated now for near 10 years. Michael Brown, "Hands up don't shoot", in 2014, likely part of the 2014 mid-term election strategy. The officer demonized and life ruined, cities destroyed, more lives lost all in effort for political advantage. The case ended in acquittal with the eye witness testimony of minority witnesses. Of course, the slogan and the case still lives in an effort to stoke political division.

Then there was the presidential campaign of 2016. I watched as Donald Trump came down the escalator, not as a Trump supporter at the time, but just an interested political junkie. I then switched from CNN to MSNBC and watched the coordinated editing of his speech. The most telling was removing the word "illegal" from "Illegal Immigration" the narrative was begun and continues till this day over 5 years later.

Then there was the "Russian Hoax" all begun by Hillary Clinton and other democrat operatives. All in an attempt to perform a soft Coup of an American president. They claimed repeatedly they had inside and credible sources that verified their stories, they never were produced. THEY ALL KNEW IT WAS A LIE.  and continue to attempt to cover up their lies. Even hiring many of the conspirators as consultants. 

I could recount many more abuses and lies by the media, often just adding or subtracting an important word, but always bending the truth for political gain. They are all without remorse, they are like rats caught on a sinking ship, there is no way off, there is no going back,  they are all going down with their disgraceful and corrupt ship. They deserve no pity, just disgust with what they have done to their profession.

1 comment:

  1. I thought I was following the Rittenhouse cause very closely but I missed the self defense angle until the Defense took over.


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