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Monday, November 8, 2021

Is Climate change the path to global government?



We see a lot of hot air coming out of the climate change meetings this past week. We see many promising they will cut green house gases in the next decade. Of course, this does not include China, India and most third world countries as they along with U.K. continue to build fossil fuel energy plants. They may mean well, but there is not a suitable replacement for fossil fuels at this time. They really don't have a real plan to actually cut emissions.

We see that the Biden administration has passed a bill with $550 billion in renewable energy subsidies. This will mostly go to solar companies installing solar in private homes paid for by the government. All these solar systems need maintenance, need to be replaced in the future. Is the government going to pay for the maintenance, repair or replacement. While it may be a boon to solar installation companies, will individuals be able to afford to repair and maintain these systems? They will need to be assisted by another source when it is cloudy, raining or off line.

So far the U.S. plan seems to be to enact policies to raise the price of all energy. In effect they want to take control of the energy available in the United States. Obama made the remark that they expect to raise the price of electricity 3x to force renewable energy, but there is not a viable alternative for fossil fuels at this time. If they succeed in raising the price then we can expect an added tax on energy to subsidise energy for  those who are priced out of the market. We can expect fuel cards and electric subsides. In effect government control of the whole energy market. Possibly even government approval if you or your company qualifies for energy at all.

It seems they are also pledging to cut methane, which will likely be an effort to control how many cows and cattle can be produced to cut methane gasses. Government will then be able decide who can raise beef or cows or hogs and raise the costs. This can be followed by more subsides and food stamps for those less fortunate.

Most of the world is not committing to these measures but the U.S. will handicap its economy by continuing to instill fear of imminent doom. 

If these politicians were serious about cutting emissions they would look to find a real replacement for fossil fuels. All the money they are going to waist in installing temporary solutions and hobling the economy could be better spent on developing a real alternative to fossil fuels. So, it appears that they are more interested in government expansion and control rather than real solutions. 

I expect we will soon hear we need a global remedy with the power of enforcement to save the planet from ourselves. Make no mistake, Global government is a dream by many of the elite in this world.


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