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Monday, February 26, 2024

U.S. needs to get its house in order now.



The Avalanche of coming crisis on multiple fronts may soon become out of the control of this nation. While we focus on woke social issues, defending the borders around the world and unrestrained spending, the problems are growing to the point that they may soon be too big to manage. It will change the future of this country for decades to come.

The first thing needs to be to stop the bleeding. There are some things that are still in the category of being able to be solved from within, by our own focus on solving these problems.

First is the out of control federal spending, a result of just plain irresponsibility of a majority of politicians on both sides of the isle. A combination of buying votes at home, by promising a never ending flow of money in an attempt to win votes rather than doing what it in the long term best interest of the country.

Then there is the money used to buy friends and allies overseas, to protect the borders around the world, yet have no money to protect our own borders. This is coupled with money spent to punish those who refuse to swear allegiance to our vison of foreign and domestic policy. A strategy of, you are either our friend and do as we say or you are our enemy, and we will make life difficult for you and your citizens. It all costs a lot money and is now creating more enemies than friends. 

Then there is the obvious disaster of an uncontrolled border, desired by one side to gain political power by enlisting new arrivals as new voters, and others who hope to profit from cheap labor. The cost to states and local governments, that will either be paid by taxpayers or result in the decrease of services is incalculable. 

The federal deficit last year was 1.6 Trillion 2 x the bloated defense budget that refuses to be audited and has lots of expensive, complicated weapons but a shortage of basic ammunition. 

The above things that we have power to improve now, if we have the will. These things are in our power to solve, if we can look to the long range best interest of this nation.

Longer range is the reality that our so called immense Gross Domestic product is only composed of 11 % that is manufacturing, mining and agriculture. The true necessities of life and the source of growing wealth. China has near 5x our manufacturing capacity and Russia is just shy of equal. While we focus on saving the planet we are increasingly not having the ability to provide for our own self sufficiency. Trade deficits lead to wealth leaving the country and results in an increase in debt of individuals, companies and governments attempting to sustain their desired standard of living. 

The ballooning national debt of now $34 Trillion is forcing much of the world to  reject buying U.S. debt, not as a hostile effort but to protect their wealth from being slowly diluted by our deficits and inflation. This is now on an unsustainable course.

We see conflict increasing around the world and lots of bloviating by our officials that we are strongest military in the world. A strong military needs a strong base at home, we do not have the manufacturing base to sustain our military. Our woke polices have driven many good service members to leave and to not encourage their children to follow in their former path of military service. With the political division at home, does anyone really believe that a military draft today to fight in foreign lands without purpose will ever be embraced by the present population? they are deluded.

Then we hear some advancing the solution of a immigrant military with the promise of citizenship as a solution, a military made up of people who do not understand America, have no inherit loyalty to American citizens.  A very dangerous idea, that could only be put forth by fools or those with evil intent.

The reality is that 2024 seems to be evolving into a year of decisions, not just politically, but on the desire of all Americans to focus on strengthening this nation from within or loose the ability to control our future.

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