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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Most gun deaths self inflicted



Image result for homicides by year chart

The Center for disease control statistics for 2017 reveal 39,773 gun related deaths. Suicides constitute 23,854 of this number.  14,543 are homicides. 486 are considered accidental, 553 are from law enforcement action.

65 % of deaths are inflicted using a handgun, 4% from a rifle and 2% a shotgun. 29% not classified.

34% of victims are in 17-24 age group.
28.3 %  of perpetrators are in the 17-24 age group.

Those numbers for this age group mirror similar statistics for auto accidents.

There are 61 acknowledged mass shootings between 2007-2018. These are random shootings with most likely suicidal perpetrators. The numbers are getting much more clouded as there does not seem to be a consistent definition. Some are now including domestic incidents were there are 2 or more fatalities. If such incidents are included it would be a higher number.

To add a little perspective, the CDC lists 146,571 unnatural  accidental deaths occurred in 2015. The highest causes were 47,478 by unintentional poisoning, 37,757 by traffic accidents, and 33,381 by falls.

Concerning gun related suicides it is near impossible to prevent most suicides. The best help would be family, friends and anyone who has personal access to the victim, We also must consider that gun suicide is mostly personal and does not have collateral victims. We do not have any statistics on Suicide by Auto, but there are undoubtedly suicidal people who have impulsively crossed the center line or hit immovable objects. This could be a far more dangerous to others than gun suicide which does take more intent and premeditated action.

The number to focus on is the 14,543 homicides, about 20% of this can be attributed to gang activity,  more needs to be done to address gangs in this country. If they smuggle literally tons of illegal drugs into the country, they can also smuggle thousands of illegal weapons.

What rightfully disturbs us all is the random killing of children and innocent people who just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. The perpetrators are in most cases suicidal, expecting to die or commit suicide during their act. While guns are often used in these cases they can and do use autos, edged weapons, flammable liquids or improvised explosives. We see this daily in other parts of the world. We cannot legislate behavior by banning inanimate objects.

The real common denominator is feelings of hopelessness, a bleak future and alienation from family and society. It is possible that the negative view of the future that has been continually being espoused to influence public opinion, whether it is climate change, were we are being told life will end in the near future or other hysteria that leaves young people with a negative and hopeless view of the future. We should all encourage our youth that any problems can be addressed and corrected in a rational way. The future is indeed as bright as we want to anticipate it. 

Originally published 9/18/19

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