The violence last week in Kenosha and now Portland needs to be stopped immediately. This can only be accomplished by an overwhelming police presence and a zero tolerance for violence, looting, arson and vandalism.
Up until this week the anarchists have mostly had a free reign to do as they please at the expense of business owners and citizens of these democrat ruled cities. As in Kenosha, when citizens were forced to protect property, violence escalated and resulted in death.
In Portland, a large caravan of anti-protesters drove around the city and elicited a response from the those who have had a free ride to create mayhem for the last 3 months, that may have ended in the death of one of the caravan members.
This situation needs to be ended now. It can be ended now, if there is a will by the mayor's and governors involved to stop the looting and destruction of property. The arrest and prosecution of all those who engage in the destruction of property and the removing of those people from the scene. Up until now many of the local and state authorities have refused to prosecute those arrested for criminal acts. They have been immediately set free to create more unrest, violence and property destruction.
Now that the violence has increased to the point of people dying, a new potentially explosive situation will not be far behind. Everyone who has died has relatives and friends who are likely outraged. These are potentially people who may be willing to engage in acts of vengeance and retribution.
Order needs to restored now. Property needs to be protected now. This can easily be accomplished by an overwhelming police presence and a zero tolerance for lawbreaking. It is not a question of if, but when a large number of people on both sides will die and the situation can explode into outright warfare in these cities.
This is a pattern we have witnessed in many foreign countries without the means to bring about order. We do have the means but up until now there is no will by these mayors and governors to stop the lawbreaking.
Peaceful protests are supported by the majority of Americans and safety of protesters will also be insured by government protecting people and property. They can do it, if they really want to.