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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Trump VS Democrats emotional messaging



Image result for state of the union 2020

The Democratic party has always been much better than Republicans at emotional messaging. They have now been caught in a strategy trap of being the gloom and doom party.

Take the State of Union speech last week, after spending half the speech on extolling all the positive accomplishments of his administration, low unemployment, rising wages, soaring stock market, stable or declining medical costs. Trump went on to tell tear producing stories about the positive results of the border patrol. The 100 year old Black fighter pilot and his grandson who wants to be an astronaut.  The little girl born weighing less than 1 pound and now grown well and happy.The little girl who has now received a scholarship to the school of her choice. The Army wife who does volunteer work for other military family's while her husband is in extended deployment and then their unannounced reunion on national TV.

All provoking positive emotional responses.

When we watch a movie, go to an art exhibit or listen to a speech, we receive positive messages that evoke positive emotional responses that we have little control over. This is what makes good art in all forms.

Trump has mastered this ability far above any other political leader in recent times. The other enhancing trait is that he believes it, he is genuine in his positive outlook at what can be accomplished by all people everywhere. 

Watch a Trump rally compared to a speech by his Democrat opponents. We see a positive message of what can be done and a list of positive accomplishments by Trump. The Democratic candidates talk about people dying from lack of food, medical care, police and white men brutality, and top it off by predicting that the world will end in ten years if they are not elected. There solution is always to require more of your money and less of your freedom both negatives to anyone with a job. 

We also can see positive feeling in the country, if we are good observers. I see more black employees in my travels than ever before, and they seem to have a positive outlook. What happened to the black lives matter marchers? Did they get a job? I see and feel much better race relations than in the previous 8 years.

The Democrats emotional messaging is always a plea to address some negative event with more legislation. The parents of murdered children in school shootings is a good example in their quest for more government control. What about creating an environment were people feel positive, not a victim, not depressed. The end of the world in ten years is not a positive message.

Back to the State of the Union, one side was happy and enthusiastic, the other looked downright depressed and suicidal. Who do you want to hang around with or be represented by?

Finally, not only did Trump send all those positive messages, but then he gave the medal of freedom to Rush Limbaugh, a cancer victim, in the House that night, in front of the world. It was enough to evoke such a negative feeling from Nancy Pelosi, that she sent a overwhelming negative emotional message to the whole world.

Trump needs to consider one more thing. He should replace the Rolling Stones,"You cant always get what you want"  with Bob Marley's, "Don't worry, Be Happy".

originally published 2/10/20

1 comment:

  1. I like your musical! Every President has invited guests to the State of the Union, often to generate emotions in order to support legislation. These guests illustrated the consequences of bad policies.


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