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Friday, August 14, 2020

Biden's first position! national mask mandate.



Joe Biden's first stated position in his run for president is a federal mandate for the whole country to wear a mask everywhere, even outside. This is a typical one size fits all remedy that would not only be unrealistic for some parts of the country, but unenforceable. Such a federal mandate would create a likely push back including protests and civil disobedience, just because it is a federal mandate.

How would this be enforced? Would they call on the police to enforce this mandate or withhold federal funds form those that refuse to enforce this federal overreach? This is the same thinking that was instituted with blanket shut-downs of even outside workers. It is lazy, unthinking reaction to calls from the media and other big government types that a national policy is needed.

At present the governors of the states are in the best position to decide what is needed in their states. Most everyone agrees that masks are reasonable inconvenience that should be used by those who are vulnerable. The best way to accomplish this is reasoned persuasion, not a heavy handed mandate. Would he also recommend a total shut down of everything in the country? If the media put enough pressure on him, he likely would.

It is interesting that his mandate would be for the next 90 days, until just after the election.

The fact is, those who are vulnerable are wearing a mask, many others are not, and a federal mandate will not really make any difference without penalties and enforcement, which is not going to happen. So, in effect this is  just another political statement, without any real thought of the consequences of such a mandate. Much like blanket shutdowns.

It is time for the so called experts to admit that they really don't know a lot about this virus. So far, their recommendations have not eliminated the virus and any other action will likely not make a difference. This virus is going to run its course, there is no government action that will eliminate this virus. People who are vulnerable should face up to the fact, it is up to them to do their best to take care of themselves. 

We see workers who have masks positioned below their nose or so loose to be virtually ineffective. I get it, to wear a mask all day in hot weather is not pleasant. They are doing what is mandated but it is meaningless.

Its time people realize we are going to be living with this virus for another year. We are just prolonging the increase in cases that will likely not end until there is a vaccine or most people have had this virus. So far, extreme measures has not, nor will it, eliminate the virus.

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