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Monday, August 24, 2020

Lets give hand to the electric providers!



A few weeks ago we had the first tropical storm of the fall season. We had trees down and some interruptions of electric service. Within a few days everything was back to normal, but the wailing by customers and even some Governors was an example of the misplaced priorities of today's America.

I am a little tired of hearing it is now the 21st century and how is it possible that the electric is off and sometimes even for days. It is another example of the spoiled nature of today's population. 

My electric bill is the biggest bargain in my expenses. I LOVE the electric company! The ability to run all the modern things we now have in our homes is a still a marvel to me. I also know what it costs to run my generator even for a few days and the inconvenience of filling it with gas twice a day. That will run my refrigerator, freezer and TV. On a monthly basis it would be $450 a month.

No one ever considers the infrastructure that has been built for over century, much of it without consumer or government expense. Some people today do not even understand were this electric comes from. The generation plants from hydroelectric, nuclear, coal and natural gas and some are even surprised that those wires and poles deliver electric to everyone. What are they teaching to our children in school?

So next time someone declares that we need to scrape this system and replace it with electric generation from windmills and solar panels, we should remind them that sometimes the wind doesn't blow and the sun, particularly in the northeast, can be scarce for weeks at a time. We may need to have some other fuel for electric but it will be a long time before we will be carbon free, unless the population is willing to give up 50% of the gadgets they have now.

We see governor Cuoma launching an investigation into why the electric was off. All he needs to do is get in the limo and drive around and see why. Maybe he can issue an executive order that trees are no longer allowed to fall on wires.

We hear that governor of California is also launching an investigation into why there have been brownouts in the state. Of course they cannot use hydroelectric, nuclear or carbon fuel. Maybe they should just ration electric to a predetermined number of kilowatts per household or again issue an executive order that there shall be more electric.

This is the state that fined their electric company, $10 billion because wind blew down trees onto electric wires and started some forest fires. That's ten billion that could have added generation or infrastructure rather than a slush fund for politicians.There used to be clauses in contracts and insurance policies referring to acts of God, but since there no longer is a God, it must be someone else's fault.

It is a symptom of society that takes heat, food and basic necessities for granted.  Who spend $200. a month on their cell phone and internet, and at the same time complain about factory farms, carbon emissions, plastic straws and every other cause celeb. They are the,"no nothings" of today's world and they continue  electing other, "no nothings" to run the country.

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