So it seems the Democrats, neocons and marxists have now settled on their narrative for the 2024 election. It is that if Trump is elected, it will be the end of elections, the end of democracy and the era of vengeance and retaliation on his political enemies. Very interesting, that it is exactly the traits that can be attributed to the present administration.
Let's start with abuse of power, The biggest and most serious abuse of power in the history of this country was the false Russia collusion hoax, started by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the democrat party. It was then perpetuated by the FBI, CIA and the Justice department, even after they all knew it was a fake story in January 2017. As for vengeance and retaliation, until the perpetrators and those who knowingly conspired in this attempt to overthrow the president are brought to justice, we have no legitimate country, government or hope of self government.
Then there is this idea of damaging or destroying democracy. How about the 2016 democrat primary where the outcome was rigged by an overwhelming number of appointed superdelegates that all voted for Hillary Clinton even when Bernie Sanders won primary after primary. It was a rigged primary.
2020 saw Bernie Sanders win the first primaries overwhelmingly, the when Biden won in South Carolina, the contest was essentially declared over.
2024 no recognition of any primary challengers, no debates, changing the order of primaries and then cancel the primary election, no democracy for democrat voters.
Back to abuse of Power, we see civil indictments by the N.Y. attorney general who ran for office promising to get Trump. a charge without anyone being defrauded or losing money, without any complaints except for the attorney general herself. An open and obvious abuse of power that needs to be held accountable by real laws against abuse of power. A serious cause of distrust and alienation of the electorate with this out of control government.
Then there is the other abuse of the judicial system in multiple attempts to disqualify the leading candidate of the Republican opposition party to the present administration. Another travesty and serious abuse of power.
Then the failure of this administration to obey the law and enforce the immigration laws of this country in their desire to diminish the votes of americans in favor of those who they hope to coerce into believing they are beholding to the current administration and democrat party. A self serving act that is destroying the social fabric and the safety net of the country and resulting in millions of homeless and unemployable people around the country. Chaos for the sake of chaos, to be used to gain political power.
Then the failure of democrat leaders in all the cities they rule, by allowing theft, looting and lawlessness, creating more chaos and in effect destroying the cities of America. I suspect, if allowed to continue, will allow this chaos to spread all across the country.
By their reckless spending and foreign wars have created unpayable debt and destruction of the buying power of the dollar, it may very well be another scheme to create more cahous to gain more power.
Compare the foreign policy of the Obama/Biden administrations, they have mostly the same people in positions of power. War and attempts to overthrow the governments of Syria, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Israel, Georgia and of course the granddaddy Ukraine and now threatening war with China. A disaster of foreign policy, that if salvageable will take years to remedy.
Compare that to the 4 years under Trump, no new wars, no attempts at regime change, positive initiatives for peace in the middle east and asia. Constructive and respectful engagement with China. Then witness the hysteria and abuse by the intelligence community for Trump even voicing a desire to improve relations with the Russian federation.
I could go on, and on, but if Americans really believe in democracy and self rule, peace at home and abroad and prosperity for the future. be very careful about who continues to rule this country.
Without a widespread cleansing of the entrenched, who are dictating our foreign and domestic policy without regard to the well being of this country, we may indeed not see another election. If you believe this country is becoming the dream that we should all believe, then believe this fake and false narrative and then suffer the consequences.