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Wednesday, November 8, 2023

N.Y. attorney general, Democrat hero and social media star.



The big news it seems is the show trial ongoing in New York, A celebration of the hatred and unbridled length that democrat operatives will go in their quest to retain power. It is a perfect example of why they should never be in a position of power. These show trials based on no legal precedent or law, a civil action brought by an admitted biased Attorney General, whose whole career has been defined by persecuting Donald Trump and his family and business.

She has now stooped so low as to spend every day on social media proclaiming how she is not being intimidated by Donald Trump, how she is now the hero of the left. She is a disgrace to anything that should insinuate to be a legal process. This blatant power hungry individual should be a warning to all in this country of what may lay ahead. Show trials and persecution of the political opposition is just a first step in where such people would go.

We have already seen the extreme sentences, incarceration without trial and over the top handling of the people who were at the Jan.6 rally that got out of control. The sentences were extreme for most all these people and a real contradiction as to how the burning and looting and violence of democrat operatives like Black lives matter and Antifia were handled. We see all these trials taking place in large democrat districts where a fair trial is now impossible.

If these type of legal injustices are allowed to be condoned and continued, can mass oppression of the opposition by more outrageous legal action be far behind. It is the pattern that has been witnessed by oppressive governments forever. 

We already see an erosion of the trust of the American people in the institutions of government from the FBI, Intelligence service, media, election system and the legal system. It should be understood that these actions are all a warning to anyone who would challenge their power as to what they will do to retain that power.

While ultimately they may very well succeed, if they have not already, they will rule over a weaker, less prosperous and far less important country on the world stage. A country to be despised rather than admired.

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