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Thursday, March 9, 2023

2023 shaping up to pivotal historic year.



It seems that 2023 is likely to be a pivotal year in world history. First is the Ukraine war, which now is reaching a make or break turning point. In the last month, February, it is reported that Ukraine lost 11,000 soldiers. It is also reported that they are now losing around 1000, a week. Many of these casualties are new recruits or conscripts who, according to Newsweek, have a life expectancy of around 4.5 hours after they reach the front. The pivotal battle now going on has the Russians very close to completely encircling the Ukrainian forces. It appears that it is only a matter of time, until the Ukrainian soldiers realize that the end is near, even when their political leaders refuse to face reality. It may very well result in a sudden collapse of resistance, that will also most likely result in a collapse of the present government. 

The only counter to this result is a NATO intervention with western troops, any such intervention would be a very dangerous gamble that at present will be resisted by the Europeans.

Then there is the possibility of a attack on Moscow by the U.S. to eliminate Putin and his administration. That would lead to WW3 for sure.

The fact is, the present situation is not sustainable into next year, the European economies are struggling to maintain and the cost to its citizens is far worse than anything experienced by the U.S. population. This war will need to be concluded soon. 

Indications are that the blame for failure is going to be placed on Zelensky and his government, who it seems are mostly situated with alternative places to flee to when the time comes.

If this war, which is essentially a U.S. Russian conflict, ends in failure, it will most likely cause the collapse of NATO as we know it. While it may not cease to exist, the Europeans will not be inclined to give Washington blanket decision making power in the future.

The second big trend is the now quickly materializing of a second world economic system made up of countries from the east and southern part of the world. Much of the impetus for this is the depreciating of the dollar by deficit spending in the U.S. and the economic use of sanctions by the U.S.. on anyone who refuses to submit to their demands. This forming block will encompass half the worlds population and would threaten the present financial domination of the west. It is actually a far more serious threat than the Ukraine war. There is no effort being made to maintain the value of the dollar or to restrain deficit spending, this move will happen, even though it may take a few more years to be completed.

Then there is the unsustainable debt being created by the U.S. government. It is a ticking time bomb that has been put off for years, with paper shuffling, zero interest rates, and quantitative easing. It may now be time that all those quick fixes have run out credibility and this problem will need to be dealt with. There is no easy or painless remedy.  Increasing taxes enough to lower the debt, or even balance the budget, would cause a collapse of this vulnerable economy. Decreasing spending enough to have an effect would do the same.  We will soon have to pay for the last 50 years of deficit spending.

We are undoubtedly living in historic times, it seems there is no escaping the chaos to come.

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