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Thursday, March 23, 2023

Multi-Polar world economic system becoming reality



Amazingly, the media has ignored the biggest news coming out of the meetings in Moscow between China and Russia. It is clear that besides cooperation on numerous fronts including military security the most important news that it is now becoming reality that the process is underway for the formation of a second global economic system. A system that will replace the medium of exchange of the U.S. dollar with the Chinese Yuan. This will likely be the most important development of the 21st century, at least for now.

While the details are not yet clear, it is understood that there is already a list of countries that will be interested in becoming part of this new system. Particularly the 20 some countries suffering under sanctions from the current system. This will enable an alternative system of settlements of financial transactions.

It is likely that a few NATO and EU countries will also be interested in such an alternative.

While many will focus on the growing separation and division as a security risk to the U.S. and its allies, it does not necessarily need to be so. While I am sure the spin and propaganda are being worked out to condemn any such system as a threat, it may be that many countries are just tired of foreign interference in their internal affairs and  would like to exit this system of having to be part of a system of coercion that encompasses military, economic and social conformity.

The you are either with us or against us policy originating out of U.S. foreign policy has made it almost impossible for any country to just be neutral and not be part of global power politics. Any such stance is immediately labeled as aligning with Russia or China and now that is actually becoming a reality. It is much like being in business in a mob controlled inner city where you are under pressure to pay for protection from the powers that be or be in danger of sanctions or worse.

While there is the risk that the new independent system will become just another copy of the former, with the same pressures and demand for conformity, time will tell if that is the case. But it is obvious that both China and Russia have done a better job of diplomacy and have been successful in building relationships of trust, at least for the present time. 30 years of regime change policies that have resulted in 100's of thousands of deaths, the destruction of numerous countries and the biggest migrations and accompanied disruptions and chaos have become unacceptable, so I assume many feel it is worth the risk. 

It seems that China has now set out on a new path of becoming a leader in attempting to negotiate between numerous camps. They tout they they would like a world of mutual and cooperative prosperity, many a skeptical, but it now seems that this effort is going to at least get an opportunity to find out. 

Such a new system can have many advantages for countries in the east and south, but will most likely come with economic costs to the west, who whether they admit it or not are in fact dependent on many of these countries. Hopefully, there remains a possibility that such a 2 tier system can function without violent confrontation. 

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