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Monday, May 1, 2023

Can America be saved?



Anyone paying attention to the current state of this country, both in economic, social and foreign policy must admit that we as a nation are in serious trouble. We are no longer confronted with a problem in any one area, but in all areas.

The economic policies of this country that have relied on deficit spending, attempting to control the economy by raising and lowering interest rates, is no longer working. We went through a decade of near zero rates, now an attempt to control inflation, caused by shortages and supply chain breakdowns, by raising rates will most likely just compound the problems. The real problem is unsustainable debt that has devalued the currency and caused trading partners to seek an alternative. This is now an unstoppable trend that cannot be corrected, especially when our leaders continue to desire to buy votes, rather than seek the long term health of the economy. We can expect higher inflation as foreign entities refuse to purchase more national debt. This will lead to economic crisis that will not be easy to correct. In fact it may be decades if there is a unified desire to correct the problems, which there is not.

The social fabric of the country is being destroyed by the day. This is no accident, but a coordinated effort in the quest for ultimate political power. Divide and conquer domestic politics is not very easy to put back in the bottle. Cities are becoming dangerous and the rule of law is being subverted for more political power. Again domestic tranquility will take decades to repair even if there was another unified plan which again is not on the horizon. We will be very fortunate if we can escape the results of an economic crisis that can result in a bloodbath similar to the civil war or WW2 in Europe.

If this was not enough we are also in the midst of the results of our 30+ years of our death and destruction foreign policy. The trust in the U.S. is at an all time low even with our allies.With the rest of the world, it seems we are in an actual revulsion and desire to cut ties with this country, as it has become a dangerous and untrustworthy partner. Again, decades of good behaviour would be necessary to correct this growing problem. 

It now appear that the United States is on a course of chaos and decline, and no election, even if not tainted by corruption will be unable to correct this free fall that is about to happen. The system is now too corrupt and unsustainable for a correction by the election process. It will require the pain and suffering that has been experienced by all empires when they begin the decline to their demise. The so called "handwriting is now on the wall" and is going to become an unstoppable force that will need to run its course. The question is just how much pain and suffering will be required to bring about real reform and repentance to the present corrupt conditions. 

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