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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Debt ceiling bill, too little to save dollar.



With an anticipated $1 Trillion deficit in the current budget, what has been proposed is near meaningless to the overall picture. The debt is going to increase dramatically for the foreseeable future, Foreign countries are going to continue to seek alternatives to dollar investments and your money is going to continue to lose its buying power. Inflation is going to continue to be stoked by this excessive spending.

It is just another symptom of the current state of the country when a continual habit of deficit spending is now thought of as a normal financial condition. It is not normal, it is just another way of robbing the citizens of their hard earned dollars in another way other than taxation. It is just another way for those who transact this debt to have a steady income at the citizens expense. It is just another way to give Washington politicians a gravy train of excess spending they can profit from. Of course, we are told that a balanced budget would hurt the poor and others who depend on government spending, just so much bullshit.

We see a bloated federal bureaucracy that is becoming the benefactor of near half of the nations financial transactions. More and more are dependent on government payments, benefits and subsidies. This of course translates into power for the federal government.

Not only here at home, but around the world near 800 foreign military bases that pump dollars into all those communities, distort their economies, and translate again to power in Washington. Power to corrupt, to skim off kickbacks and finance political campaigns. NATO is just an extension of Washington's giant slush fund paid for by U.S. taxpayers and their descendants. Ukraine is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Washington elite, bought and paid for by our dollars and likely to be dependent on this country for generations.

This orgy of spending has no historical precedent but it is similar to what has happened to empires of the past. From Rome to the British empire, it is never enough, it always crumbles from unchecked power and a lust for more, it always results in the end of the empire. 

While the U.S. empire was financed with unbacked dollars and military power. The end of the dollar preeminence is here, and with it will be the end of this empire. First the financial empire then the military empire. The question is can it accept the consequences of its unrestrained financial excesses and live in the new world that is evolving or will feel it is better to tear it all down. 

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