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Thursday, May 4, 2023

Kremlin drone attack will increase domestic pressure to finish Ukraine.



We are continually being told that the Russian people do not support the Ukraine conflict, that they are ready to collapse at any time, and that Ukraine is winning. None of this true, the fact is that Ukraine has lost most of their experienced soldiers, 90% of their air power, their air defense is continually being degraded and they are having a hard time resupplying their forces. While it seems there is some sort of stalemate, the fact is that the weather and ground in Ukraine is hampering any decisive action by any forces at this time.

As Ukraine attempts to ready for a counter attack, their supplies and any troops concentrations are being targeted every day. It is very questionable that any serious assault can occur without air support for their ground offensive. It is possible that there will be a NATO, mostly U.S., attempt to offer air support for the Ukrainian ground troops. It would not be the first time that the U.S. would use remarked U.S. planes and pilots to provide air support for foreign troops. 

As far as Russia is concerned, it is true that they have not used much of their advanced weapons or hit any government buildings, not targeted Zelensky or his officials. They have not taken out the bridges over the Dnieper river nor completely destroyed the railway system.  It seems they, up to now, have been waging a war of attrition, by depleting Ukraine's military, air defense, equipment and supplies. It seems they have consumed most of NATO's weaponry and ammunition.

Recent attacks on Russian soil and the attack on the Kremlin building have mostly been good PR to keep up Ukrainian morale, but have little effect on this conflict. There is growing domestic pressure to conclude this conflict sooner rather than later. This will probably occur as soon as the weather and ground conditions allow for a massive attack that will be a coordinated ground offensive with air support that will push to the eastern side of Dnieper river and then there may be a short effort for a negotiation. If none is successful, it would then to move to destroy the existing government in Kiev.

The much anticipated Ukrainian offensive would most likely be welcomed by Russia as it will give them the opportunity to further degrade the Ukrainian military and morale from their defensive positions with a short supply line.This will allow their offensive to follow the destruction of the Ukrainian resistance and make their march to the Dnieper less difficult. 

Sadly, there will not be any negotiated settlement until Ukraine is at a point of little ability to resist and will have very little leverage for a positive result. 

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