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Thursday, January 11, 2024

Marxists still believe it can work.



The attacks on Capitalism seem to be increasing every day. Interesting that the advocates for Marxism still offer no solutions to their critic of capitalism. Marx was in fact a critic of all the ills of inequality of capitalism. His analysis of the problems was often accurate, but he never offered, as does today's advocates, ever offer a solid transparent alternative. I suspect that is because the reality of such an alternative would be, as history has shown, aborhorent.

The real alternative to the present, so called capitalism, which is now a blend of fascism and statism, should be, just as this nation's founders envisioned, freedom. Freedom to make decisions about how you navigate through life in your own best interest. While government is a necessary evil, it is required to restrain the lawless, and those who would deceive, steal or take advantage of that freedom.

Socialism, like Fascism, which historically was the definition of a collaboration between big business and the state to control the population, usually for ideological or economic advantage and power.

Today's Marxists, like Professor Richard Wolfe, continue to offer their criticism of capitalism, but only offer vague and undefined alternatives. The reality is that Marxism will never be incorporated without a big powerful state and force.

They contend that the means of production should be controlled and shared by the workers. That decisions should be made about wages or a shared return of revenue with the workers, in a democratic process.

After nearly a century with the possibility of workers organizing and engaging in such a company, why have they still not attempted do so. I don't know of any law or regulation that denies such a group that right or freedom. The reality is that it does takes someone with the incentive, vision and endurance to actually accomplish organizing a successful company. It is unlikely that any group could agree on a course of action and would spend most of their time in negotiations and debate. The loved activity of all true Marxists.

The Obama administration actually gave the United Auto Workers the controlling interest in General Motors, which had gone bankrupt. Has anyone ever wondered why they proceeded to sell their stock as soon as it had recovered. This was a golden opportunity to put their ideology to work. It seemed they really just decided they would rather have the money.

It also takes capital, which to simplify, is acquired by sacrifice in the use of the money you earn, to either spend it all or save some for a future investment. In effect, most Marxists do not believe in people actually having capital, or more money than they actually need to survive. It is interesting that the Big state, which Marxists need to enforce their utopian dream, will be very accommodating in attempting to make that idea a reality.

The reality is that Marxism or socialism has not yet been really successful as a sustainable economic model, while it has had it seemingly positive results in the Soviet Union and now in western Europe and the U.S. it seems to have inevitable evolution until it all collapses. 

Freedom of opportunity, freedom of using your mind and imitative will never go out of fashion and will not collapse by its weight. It also does not need a big oppressive state to enforce that way of life.

I suspect the U.S. ,in the not too distant future, will be offered a solution to the collapsing present system, we hope we can choose Freedom over a utopian dream.

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