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Friday, April 5, 2024

Has Hamas been successful at derailing lasting Israeli peace?



When the Abraham accords were signed, during the Trump administration, it was the most positive step to bringing about lasting peace and recognition of Israel by the Arab world. Many Arab leaders had a vision of a prosperous future for the region and an end to the Israeli/ Palestinian crisis was essential for that to happen.

Before the October attack on Israel, even Saudi Arabia was entertaining recognizing  Israel, a breakthrough event for further recognition. Even Iran was desiring to become part of a new economic era that would have likely softened its position with Israel. 

Hamas was on the verge of becoming irrelevant and their attack was designed to bait Israel into a destructive act to insure that Israel did not become an accepted part of the middle east region. 

6 Months later, Israel's response continues and is escalating, it has set back long term peace in the region in an incalculable way.  In fact, it is clear that Israel seeks a military conflict with Iran, one that it cannot win, without U.S. backup. A conflict that could possibly spread very far, that would likely force other Arab countries to take sides and be involved.

It is also clear that the major counties in the region are focusing on a positive economic future, they have been restrained in their response to Israel's over enthusiastic and spreading military attacks. Of course, Hamas believed that Israel's response would bring about a regional conflict that they hoped would destroy Israel. So far, the major players in the region have not taken the bait, they do not want a new war in the region.

This weeks Israel's  bombing on the Iran embassy in Syria and their attack on aid workers has placed them at a very precarious position. Some in the Israeli government and some in the U.S. state department want war with Iran. Some believing that it will protect Israel in the long run and others hope to derail peace and prosperity for the region. We should all hope that a return to some diplomacy by Israel and the U.S. will abort such a war. It may be only accomplished by a public statement from the U.S. that a provoked war with Iran will be fought without U.S. assistance. With an acommoning private message to Iran that there are limitations and to not take the bait.

Iran is now in a position that it may be politically forced to respond, hopefully it will be measured and not an all out reigning of ballistic missiles on Israeli cities.

The United States often talks about leadership, it is really such a time to make that more than a catch phrase and end this before it engulfs half the world.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that Israel must and does reacts to each situation in a live war-time fashion, more than having the luxury of following a general policy. They are surrounded by enemies, even if peace agreements are in place. Even in Egypt and Jordan, hatred of Israel is a popular and promoted theme.


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