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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Sow and cultivate division and then reap the results.



This week, the demonstrations and protests focused on Israel have intensified and are now a concern. It is not a wonder that the use of divisive protests for political purposes will eventually become uncontrollable and be focused at those who often have encouraged such protests and even riots for political advantage.

We witnessed years of divisive demonstrations often paid for by leftist and democrat political operatives. We saw Antifa burn and destroy cities. Black lives matter were considered heroes of the democrat party, while they destroyed and attacked police at every opportunity. Then we saw some similar response by Republican protesters on January 6, and many are still confined without bail or charges files. Many were given long prison terms. The message was clear, our demonstrators are an asset, yours are criminals. It not surprising that eventually it would all become out of control and consume everything. 

This country has used these tactics to sow discord and regime change around the world, often by the use of federal money to enhance democracy and other well sounding ideals to gain access to their political system and sow discord. Then through an open immigration policy to dilute the votes of Americans, those other places can now very well use the same tactics on this country. You reap what you sow. The policy of division for political advantage has created long lasting damage to this country, both here and around the world. 

The repercussions may actually spell the demise of this experiment called America. We have witnessed years of the demonization of everything Russian and now Russia which had a small military and hoped to become a member of the world community is alienated to the point that they now have a far more effective and growing military than they had during the cold war. The Russians are now united and motivated, it is not going to end well in Ukraine.

Secretary Blinken is now in China again threatening China that they are about to be sanctioned economically if they do not cut production and cease trading with Russia. The answer is going to be NO, you are not going to tell China how to run their economy. Then there is concern and bewilderment that China is now preparing for war. A war that has been threatened and talked about by our media, military and politicians. It is bewildering to many that the United States is now on a path to all out world war abroad and civil war at home. Is it the result of incompetence or is it planned destruction. Many wonder. 

Economic war with China may very well be far more costly to the U.S. than to China. With a $34 Trillion dollar debt and an expected increase, just this year, by another $3 Trillion, the country is actually now on economic life support.  No one seems to care and there is little concern in congress, which continues to spend and borrow money like there is no tomorrow and maybe there is not.

It may very well be clear to objective economists in other parts of the world that the U.S. is on a path of self destruction and with the animosity created by our political leaders, they are fine with being observers of our own destruction.

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