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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Ukraine: Pivotal moment in world economic order.



While many still want to believe that the Ukraine war is a product of Russia's and Putin's hope to reestablish the former Soviet Union, the reality is that this conflict was in the planning, by the west, for decades. It was a plan outlined by former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski and it seemed it took hold in the U.S. state department by those who followed him. The idea was that if Russia could be broken up into smaller parts it would be able to be diminished in its capacity and it would be available to the west as as source of resources. It seems we are seeing the results of this misguided adventure as the war in Ukraine is going to come to an end shortly after the next U.S. election, no matter the winner of the U.S. election.

The reaction to the war in Ukraine and the sanctions levied around the world has set in motion the greatest change in the world economic and political alliances since WW2. It is now a situation that can no longer be reversed. The best hope by the west is to adjust and manage the changes. The alternative is a global war with no winners. At present we are on the verge of just such a war.

This conflict and the sanctions used to control alliances have resulted in pushing Russia and China into an alliance that is based on the survival of both, it is unlikely they will be seperated. The use of the present monetary system as an economic and political weapon has pushed much of the world into an alliance that has divided the world into the west and soon most of the rest. It is on an unstoppable course.

The proposed tariffs and economic boycotts proposed by both candidates for president will bring about economic crisis in much of the western world. The duel edge sword of globalism will swing very hard into the consuming nations in favor of the producing nations. We are witnessing the results of these policies now.

The U.S. attempt to starve China of silicon chips has resulted in them now manufacturing their own and may soon dominate that market. At the same time they have cancelled the grain contract from the U.S. that may see a drastic drop in prices of grain in this country. This will cause the loss of many farms in this country and their impact on the domestic market may be unestimatable. Europe's coming tariffs on Chinese cars has already indicated the end of purchases of many EU products by China. This may be only the beginning.

At the same time, China is replacing their grain purchases with contracts in Russia, Brazil and other countries not part of the sanctions regime. If Russia should actually curtail their shipments of fertilizer, oil, gas, and raw materials to western countries they will be dire economic straits.

We are witnessing the new alliance shaping up that will encompass most of the nations of Asia, Africa and even South America, that can and will prosper by trading amongst themselves. Can the west prosper without trading with them?

The best hope is that an adjustment in U.S. and the west's foreign policy recognizes this new reality and commits to a policy of coexistence and cooperation rather than a system dictated by the west. 

The reality is that the U.S. through its fiscal mismanagement, corruption and hope to rule the globe has squandered its place in the world that has existed since WW2.  It no longer has the economic and political power to control these events, and it if decides to rely on its military power it will be a global catastrophe.

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