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Thursday, October 24, 2024

Pathetic closing argument,"Trump is a fascist".



We continually hear groups labeled as fascists. This label has been applied to Trump and his supporters relentlessly. Many really don't know what the term fascist means. They relate it to the socialist governments of Germany and Italy in the 1930's and 40's. It is true that these governments did fit the definition of fascist and were likely the first to be so labeled.

The American Heritage dictionary definition 1982. "A system of government that exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, through the merging of state and business leadership, together with a belligerent nationalism".

Websters Collegiate Dictionary 1987."Political Philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe social and economic regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition".

It seems the definition has changed over time, but basically we could say that it is a government that has dictatorial and almost absolute power, or a movement that advocates a government with absolute power. It is in cooperation with business or business leaders to use their power to enhance the power of the state with a reciprocal blessing from the state. Also that the government and business use their power to silence or oppress opposition.

Can a fascist government be a government of the left, if  the above principles are in play? Also is fascist behavior or tactics limited to nationalist governments. 

While Nazi Germany is considered fascist, what is the difference in the behavior of Stalinist USSR , China's Mao or communist China today, North Korea, Cuba  or Venezuela. The common denominator of all these countries is Socialism. That is when the state is exalted over individual rights, economic freedom and liberty in general. Most socialist governments are more internationalist or global in their view.

We see many today who have been convinced that Socialism is the route to equality. In effect it has been historically proven to be just the opposite. It only comes close to equality in poverty and misery.

We have seen government continually grow and assume more power. It has exercised increasing more power and regulation of business, until possibly the biggest determining factor of success for a business is government regulation. This requires business's who attempt to protect their livelihood to continually lobby government officials, either to enact legislation to allow or protect their business from government regulation or competition. Much of this requires contributions to political candidates or parties. The politicians on both sides of these questions, just love it. They are, as long as they are in power the ultimate Alpha Dog.

While most of these activities are also regulated and legal, the crossing of the line into fascist behavior is when these businesses use their power to enhance the power of the state or suppress opposition. 

In the 2008 and 2012 election, the Obama campaign was praised as brilliant for using social media to enhance it messaging. In 2016 the Trump campaign was considered criminal for doing the same. In the 2020 campaign, and for months before, we saw social media, block, suppress and take down messaging from the conservative side. They stepped over the line into a fascist co-existence with the state.

We have seen a media that has become part of political campaigns, what would be the value of their in kind contributions? 

We have seen big Tech expend millions on election programs to enhance their agenda. This is again a fascist relationship with the state.

We have witnessed Universities that are financed by the Government, suppress opposing voices, even their administration members encouraging violence. 

It does seem that they perceive that they are losing the debate and have to go to extraordinary and repressive practices to sustain their hold on power. Is the debate on policy over, when they perceive they are losing?

We have seen Black Lives matter and Antifa, destroy cities, assault the police and opposing protesters, but they are labeled by the state and media as peaceful protesters. While anyone who should defend themselves or counter protest are white supremacists and domestic terrorists. This is all repeated and advocated for by the fascist media.

Trump and his supporters have continually been labeled fascists, but they do not have a fascist relationship with social and big media. They do not advocate more government regulation and control. They do not advocate for expanding government power over individual liberty. They do advocate obeying and enforcing the existing law and even this is labeled fascist by the true fascists.

Even in the Pandemic, Trump was careful not to tread on states rights to deal with the virus. While providing everything that was needed, he allowed the states to do as they saw appropriate for their state. Does anyone doubt that many would have loved to have expanded the power of the federal government in this crisis.  

As far as a belligerent nationalism, while Trump advocated an America first policy, he stepped back from international intervention in the affairs of other countries. While his opponents have been intervening and using belligerent American power for decades.

We see the use of language being distorted every day. We see new definitions of words, even by the dictionaries.  It is all in the quest of maintaining and expanding power of the socialist state.  A state that has increasingly become separated from the people, not representative of the people, but the ruler and arbitrator of right and wrong with ultimate power as the goal. 

We now see a rush of establishment government to endorse suppressing of dissent and freedom of speech by the private sector. A private sector that is in a fascist relationship with the existing government power. A private sector that has been reaping the benefits of its relationship through trade and regulation benefits. A sector that has helped finance voting changes that have tipped the balance toward their benefactors. Fascism plain and simple.

Now we hear threats of policy's to diminish the incomes of everyone who supports a different view. Are we now going to embark on not only a political war but an economic war. Such a war is a two way street, particularly when the base of the existing power is in areas that are not self sufficient, but dependent on the very people they wish to oppress. This idea should be dismissed quickly, or the whole nation is going to descend into an escalating decline.

We hear the coming president claim that BLM protesters would have been treated differently than those that breached the capital. We hear him label Trump supporters as white supremacists and racists. I see no effort of unity and addressing the concerns of all the people. If those who are coming to power believe that they can dismiss and attack all those who supported the policies of Trump it very likely will be the end of this experiment in self government.

This article was originally published 12/15/20, it is now updated in view of current events.

The fascist label along with white supremacy is the 2022 and 2024 talking point of the democrats. They know that they cannot win on their policies, but only in instilling fear of those who oppose their destructive policies. 7/6/2022

We now see the FBI and DOJ increasingly being used to intimidate those that oppose the agenda of this government. More fascism at work.

We now see the use of the legal system and again the fascist media to attempt to eliminate the existing powers opposition, another hallmark of fascism.  The real fascists do indeed become more obvious every day.

10/24/2024. Here they go again, Trump is a fascist and a potential Hitler. While they advocate intervention around the world and suppression of political opponents at home. At the same time being aided by big business and the complicit media. It is clear who are the real fascists

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