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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Dems love Bloomberg's money, Bloomberg not so much.



Image result for mike bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg has announced he is running for President. Whether he is serious about this or just hopes to move the other candidates to the center, only time will tell. If he is serious, he is in for a rude awakening. He can never be successful in the Democratic party and not likely in the Republican party.

Bloomberg has supported the Dems with loads of money. His pet peeves are gun control, climate change, Donald Trump and over sized soft drinks. He has touched all the bases on the Democratic wish list. He has backed up his mouth with millions in contributions, but sorry Mike, you are not one of the boys from DC. Like Donald Trump, they all loved your money, but you are not to be trusted. You have not proved you will be a team player. You would unlikely agree to be a figure head president.

I am sure he can finance a serious campaign and has the organizational skills to put together a professional campaign. The problem is, besides not being that connected to the bureaucracy he is too short, white, Jewish, a former Republican, a billionaire who made his money in the private sector, from New York and can never connect with working Americans or with the elite academic bureaucrats. You would do no better in the republican party.

So Mr. Bloomberg you will not really fit in anywhere, so just keep pumping out the money, that is your value to both parties and they will continue to love and praise you.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to Mr. Bloomberg. I was at the gym Monday and T.V. commercials were running back to back for Telsi Gabbard and Tom Styer.Never saW such a concentration of political commercials


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