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Monday, November 4, 2019

Voters 2020 are not the same as 1974



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We keep hearing about the impeachment of Richard Nixon in 1974. They keep comparing the relentless drumbeat that led to Nixon's resignation. I am sorry, I witnessed the whole thing and was convinced by the media that this was a good thing at the time. I say in today's political climate Richard Nixon would not have resigned and he would have finished his second term. Bill Clinton showed us how to withstand the onslaught and prevail, 20 years ago.

The citizens of this country in 2019 are much more sophisticated and informed than was even possible in 1974. We had ABC, CBS, and NBC who mostly were viewed as objective journalists. We did not have political talk radio. We did not even have CNN, which under Ted Turner, was probably the best objective news ever. It is now a media company engaging in entertainment for the masses. The media was biased then, but they were far from the propaganda arm of the Democratic National Committee as we see today.

The assault from the media against Trump has been 4 years of the most organized and calculated attack against an elected official in American history. They still don't realize that they have immunized Trump. He will feel the pain in his numbers somewhat, but 2 1/2 years of the Mueller investigation with the relentless leaks and false reports from anonymous sources has so jaded the American electorate that the reputation of media is unlikely to ever recover.

Since the Mueller probe was a disappointment, they are in effect trying it again. Are they that unimaginative that they believe this is the only play they have to beat Trump.

The Democrats have cultivated every fringe group and every left wing radical in the country to the point that they have actually been overwhelmed by their own strategy. They can no longer appeal to their supporters by offering a main stream solution to the problems facing the country. They no longer hope to get to the same place as the opposition party, but just by another route. They now stand for policies and ideas that were never openly embraced by any party in this country with the exception of the Communist party of the past. Why don't they just stop the pretense and offer all Americans who vote Democrat a large sum of money, confiscated from anyone who has the money. This is their strategy or lack of it.

They know they cannot debate the issues or policies and convince the American electorate that they are a better alternative. Their base will not stand for it. Their only hope is to run the opposition out of office.

Since day one the strategy has been to disgrace Trump and separate him from his supporters and the Republican party. They have cast him as immoral, a liar, unhinged, impulsive, lacking in discipline, without knowledge and unwilling to listen to advice. Also that he is a Russian Asset who is being influenced by Vladimir Putin who has also been characterized as a near satanic figure.

The idea from day 1 is to run his poll numbers down to a level that they can appeal to Republicans to force Trump to resign. It has not worked. Trump supporters have remained loyal because his whole presidency has revolved around enacting the policies that he ran on in 2016. He has not deviated.

We can expect to witness the Kavanaugh strategy times 10 in the coming months. We can expect to see an onslaught on Republicans and Trump supporters to reject and distance themselves from the President. It is not 1974.

The Democrats have embraced the strategy that whatever Trump supports they must oppose and take the opposite position. Again their opposition has been without imagination. Is this a result of Socialist thinking? Have they not realized that they may have been able to peel off Trump supporters if they would have embraced some of the policies that allowed Trump to win the election.

They may be in denial, denying that they are losing the argument concerning policy. They  deny that Trump really won the election. After all, he did not win the popular vote. They delude themselves in thinking that the Russians, having spent $40,000 in Facebook ads, tipped the election in Trumps favor. They deny that the Wikileaks exposed emails, that showed rigging and corruption in 2016 primary by the DNC, were in fact the truth. They deny that the DNC and Hillary paid foreign agents to craft a story to overthrow an American president. It is not 1974. If they keep being delusional and in a state of denial, they may be on the road to their greatest defeat ever.

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