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Monday, November 11, 2019

What is our foreign policy?



If asked, what are the essential elements of our long term foreign policy?.... I would have to say, I really have no idea.  Since the break-up of the Soviet Union we have floundered around without a coherent foreign policy, moving from a war on drug cartels in the late 80's and early 90's to an activist foreign policy in the Mideast. This all started with the liberation of Kuwait followed by the permanent stationing of troops in Saudi Arabia. Our former ally Osama Ben Laudin, who we backed in the opposition to the soviets in Afghanistan, became our enemy due to permanently stationing troops in Saudi Arabia. Then came the 911 attack, followed by our invasion of Afghanistan, which was supported by most Americans. This is were we seemed to go off the rails.

Following 911, we apparently decided that we would introduce democracy to the Mideast.  While there was no official policy stated, there was talk of a Marshall Plan for the Middle East, similar to the plan that established order and democracy in Germany after WW2.  There was no clear-cut and agreed upon plan from the Congress or even from the President.  The Reagan doctrine, which stated that we enter no conflict without a clear plan and exit strategy, was dead. Next it was the toppling of Sadam Hussein and the government of Iraq.  While Sadam was a bad man, he held a Sunni-Shiite country together, something we have not been able to do. This was not a country like Christian Germany and we were immediately the new enemy.

Barak Obama's foreign policy has really been a continuation of the same... remove secular dictators in the Mideast and let chaos reign.  In Egypt, Mubarak was on peaceful terms with Israel and kept peace in his country, with rights for Christians; without Egypt, the more radical Muslim elements could not make war on Israel.  Obama endorsed the Muslim Brotherhood, which should be pointed out now has ties in the White House, who set about trying to establish an Islamic fundamentalist government. The military stepped in to restore peace and ensure rights of minorities. Obama objected, but could not succeed. Obama and Hillary then focused on Libya, were Kaddafi, who was old and semi-senile was overturned with the help of US and European air power. Both Kaddafi and his much more moderate son were killed and chaos reigns.  The same plan in Syria, Tunisia, and other parts of the Mideast.

Watching the debate the other night, I see Bush and Rubio are willing to escalate military involvement and confront the Russians in Syria. This is the same policy endorsed by Hillary Clinton. To what end? What is the End Game? If we send in 50,000 troops and annihilate Isis, what then? When do we come home? Overthrow Assad, and then what?  I don't see anyone answering these questions.

We were able to win WW2 in four and half years. We fought to win; we fire bombed civilian populations in Germany; we dropped nuclear weapons on civilians in Japan. We were feared and respected around the world. Since that time, we have not allowed our military to successfully fight a war - Korea and Viet-Nam were so called police actions.  It was common knowledge that during the Viet-Nam war French and British ships were in Haipong harbor supplying the enemy, they were off limits to our military. We sent our young men to fight, without a plan to win. We could have won both those wars in a short time if we had the will to engage in all-out war. If we are not willing to do that, then we should stay home.

Again, what is our Mideast policy?  What is our objective there?  What are we willing to spend in treasure and in the lives of our sons and daughters?  What is our end goal?  Does anyone know? Are we ready to conduct all-out war, no rules of engagement, death to every bit of opposition, till there may not be anyone left to oppose us? This is what war has been for centuries. Read the bible...there was no one left to be a terrorist.  I don't think we have the will to do that.

If we are not willing to engage in all out war, then we should get out completely and permanently. We could bar all immigration to and from the Mideast. All non citizens should be returned to their original state. No arms or industrial equipment or technology to the area. A complete embargo of everything except food and medical supplies. Then let these people settle their differences.  They are hellbent on lots of bloodletting. Are we able to stop it? Where are the troops of the Saudis' and other wealthy gulf countries that have been playing both sides for years? How many Muslim refugees are they willing to take? Are we fools?

Egypt and Israel and Jordan, would be supplied and given air support.  Counties who think they need to supply these warring countries with arms or equipment can do so, but they will no longer have access to our markets - deal with them and you no longer deal with the USA. That goes for China, Russia, France, Germany, Great Britain, etc. 

I have little doubt this type of policy will be judged too harsh and that politicians would rather have a slow bleeding of blood and treasure and win praise as being nice people - but they are nice people who can be manipulated by our enemies.  What is our foreign policy? Does anyone know?

originally published 11/14/15

1 comment:

  1. Ray - Sad to say but your short post was a more succinct and coherent approach to foreign policy than has ever been articulated by President Obama or either of his Secretaries of State.


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