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Friday, February 21, 2020

Russian meddling BS again.



Image result for russians are coming

CNN and MSNBC were all exited again last night with the revelation that the Russians are going to help Trump in the 2020 election. This comes from analysts in the intelligence community. No wonder Trump is reluctant to accept their advice. This information is relayed to congress and the media, but not to the White House.

No one asks or has any idea why the Russians would help Trump over the list of democrat candidates. They have already destroyed any hope of improved relations with Russia with all their unrealistic reports of Russian interference. 

No one asks or has any idea just how the Russians are going to help Trump win in the next election. Is it more Facebook ads? Is it propaganda from RT television? Of course, that is probably all classified information. It is obviously just more actual meddling in the election by the intelligence operatives themselves.

I would like to hear who came to these conclusions, and what the actual form the meddling is to take.

As far as propaganda, Americans have been subjected to 4 years of propaganda from the Cable and TV media, the Washington Post and the New York times. Hundreds of stories from anonymous sources that often just fade away in a few days. All in an effort to discredit and disqualify the Trump presidency. Obviously it has had little effect on Trump's supporters. It appears that the motive is to keep the democratic base wound up with hatred and distrust of Trump and his supporters so they come out to vote.

The reality is, that the biggest threat to out elections is the fact that the democrats control all the election infrastructure in our cities. They have far more opportunity, ability and motive to meddle than the Russians.

What they have been able to do is discredit themselves and their credibility. This includes the media, the FBI, the Intelligence community, the State department and most all government institutions. It appears they all have become political operatives instead of objective reporters and sources of information. How can anyone disentangle what is true and what is political propaganda? It may be generations until their credibility can be restored, if ever.


  1. You would think they would at least come up with something more original. It appears that mediocrity is the prevailing condition in our government.

  2. Is this Democratic hacking of the election what was called a 'False Flag' ?

  3. I just read the Rooskies are helping Bernie.He needs it.

  4. NOT AGAIN! ARE these clowns OBAMA Hold overs?


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