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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Democrat establishment power play works.



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Super Tuesday results has put Joe Biden into a slight delegate lead in the democrat primary. The victory in South Carolina and then the endorsement and withdrawal by fellow democrat candidates managed to translate into victories in most of the states primaries yesterday. While all results are not in, it appears that Biden may have a 50 delegate edge for now.

The future may be still uncertain.  If you would add the votes of Elizabeth Warren to Sanders, the only candidate in Sanders lane, Sanders would have likely won all these primaries. Time will tell if they can work out a deal with Warren endorsing Sanders and then dropping out. You can bet the pressure is now on Warren from all sides. They could also team up with Warren as the vice-president candidate. You can bet the establishment is encouraging Warren to stay in, maybe they will offer her a Treasury secretary job in a Biden administration.

Bloomberg's strategy has been a dismal failure. If he stays in, it will only help Sanders, as he will take votes from Biden. We will see soon if his hubris and ego will allow him to quit.

It is likely within the next few weeks it will be a one on one race between Biden and Sanders. Then the real campaign will begin. Both will need to diminish the other, but without alienating their opponents supporters. Sanders is the stronger campaigner and has his full faculties. Biden has been off limits in most of the debates, but now we will see how much Sander really wants to win. Biden is not quite with it, whether anyone wants to admit it or not, he is really no match for anyone in a hotly contested campaign debate. It is clear there are certain triggers to use on Biden, maybe Sanders will refuse to go there, but you can bet Trump is taking notice. People do not vote for president out of sympathy for the disabled.

It appears that there is likely to be a contested convention. The power plays by the establishment will give Sanders and his supporters ammunition to raise hell, if they choose to use it. I believe they will not go quietly. You can bet the establishment and their media allies will now go all out against Sanders, they better be careful that don't turn him into a martyr and he becomes the outsider against the deep state.

While many democrats are ecstatic today with Biden's new hope. it is a hollow victory as he is the weakest candidate and campaigner they have. He will be built up by the media to be the best loved and best hope for the county we have ever seen. It will be interesting to see if they can pull that off for 8 months, without keeping Biden undercover and keeping him from speaking.

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