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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Debate or argument in Cleveland



I assume much of the country watched last nights 1st Presidential debate. In the next few days we will see a rehashing and spin from both sides as to who gained an advantage from this affair. While there really wasn't any obvious defining moment, there seemed to be a lot of attempts to make the other debater self-destruct in some way. I would say no one self-destructed and any advantages are likely subtle marginal gains.

It seemed Trump believed if he harassed and interrupted Biden he would cause Biden to loose his train of thought and lapse into one of his anticipated senior moments. It did not work, Biden was able to carry on without being thrown off by Trumps interruptions. Biden seemed to believe he could provoke Trump into some unhinged behavior by intentionally throwing inappropriate insults,  using words like clown, shut up, and others. It may have played well with the real Trump haters, but didn't seem to throw Trump off.

Biden continued to not take a solid position on anything other than to criticize Trumps economy, Coronavirus, race relations and and other aspects of his presidency. He refused to be specific about everything, even when repeatedly asked by the moderator. 

Trump of course, defended his record and pointed out Biden's lack-luster career in government. Things that have been tossed back and forth for months by both sides.

Trump was successful in getting Biden to proclaim , "I am the Democrat Party" and dismiss Bernie Sanders, by saying that he beat him. He also disavowed the "New Green Deal", He was intentionally attempting to sow doubt in the minds of the radical parts of the party. 

Biden also refused to criticize Antifa, even denying that this group is an organized entity, but just a idea. He attempted to blame the rioting and violence in the cities on white supremacists. 

There were also other subtle marginal points made by both sides, but one could say that it was more of a feeling out of the vulnerabilities of each other for the next debate. 

Democrats are already proclaiming that Biden should refuse any more debates because of Trump's behavior. We will see if that is going to happen. 

Chris Wallace did not interfere more than necessary to attempt to keep order. It was not a easy job.

It would be great to have a comparative debate on the issues. But is unlikely to happen. Biden has from the beginning placed his hopes on anti-Trump sentiment rather than specific plans. He has intentionally been very vague and repeatably denied earlier positions on fracking, national healthcare, taxes, trade and the New Green deal. It is a stealth campaign, attempting to alienate no one.

Trump won in 2016 by being specific on his plans. Bernie Sander's who is the ideological leader of the Democrat party did the same. It would have been nice to have had a debate about the real plans of both parties for the next four years. It is obvious Biden does not believe in any positions other than to regain power for the Washington establishment made up of members of  both parties.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Trump's Taxes, another recycled non-story



So another story about Trump's taxes and how they prove he is a business failure, does not pay his taxes and has overwhelming debt. First of all, it seems the news likes to confuse Donald Trumps personal tax returns and the Tax returns of the Trump corporation. Since the Trump corporation, or I should say a group of corporations, are private corporations and not publicly traded, they do not have to make public their financial information.

So most of the fragmented story by the New York times mixes these facts up and cherry picks data they believe will be detrimental to Donald Trumps election success. It is just more of the same throwing things against the wall hoping it will stick and give Joe Biden a talking point in the immanent debate. This a pattern that has been repeated starting with the release of the "Access Hollywood Tape" days before a debate in 2016. The mainstream media proclaimed it was the end of Trump's candidacy. It just didn't work.

Last week it was a fake story about Trump refusing to leave office if he lost the election. They got 2 days worth of talking points from that one. Before that it was that Trump downplayed the virus, that was worth slightly more. The tax story will likely have an even shorter life.

There is very little debate about real issues that will effect the future of the country.

The tax story picks up losses on certain parts of the Trump group of corporations. There is no mention of any illegal activity. They just assume there must be some. As for his personal returns, he can make that number whatever he desires by how much he wants to draw form his corporations. Since he is president and does not accept his salary, he may have no personal income since becoming president. His housing, utilities, transportation, security, food and entertainment expenses are all paid as expenses related to the presidency. I don't believe there ever was a president who paid for these things, except maybe for George Washington. 

As for the amount of debt they are reporting, I would assume that is corporate debt, not personal debt, and today's corporations are all carrying a large debt due to the very low interest rates. It is like using money for free.

One other fake story that has been going on is the New York Attorney general continually suing for the Trump tax returns. They claim that Trump, or more likely the corporation, overstated the value of his assets to obtain loans and understated their value to save on property taxes. This is obviously a fake story, because I don't know of any lender who issues a loan based on the applicants stated value of their property. They have appraisers that determine what a property is worth.

As for Trump understating the value of his property to save on property taxes. If you are a property owner you know that the taxing authority has assessors that make that determination. You can appeal, which I am sure Trump has done, and his properties are likely to have a volatile worth depending on the economy, real estate prices etc. Any understatement is not an illegal act and any good property owner will appeal his assessment to get the most favorable result.

All this is just one more example of the media attempting to help the democrat candidate win an election. This will not be the last, but it would be more interesting if they could get more creative. They must feel they need a new story every few days and if they cant find one, they just recycle an old one.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Democrats Supreme Court strategy.



While the new revolutionary democratic activists will be urging their senators to engage in another slash and burn confirmation battle, it is very unlikely this time around. With less than a month to the election, they will have to thread the needle to pacify their base but not alienate any of the dwindling number of swing voters left in the country.

If we all take a step back, this should not be that big a deal. Justices are to enforce the Constitution and the law, it is all right there in front to them. It is not hard work. It is when they try to find things that are not there that it gets to be a problem. This Judge pledges to interpret the law as written. Plain and simple. If it is not acceptable to the American people, then there is a process to change the law and even the Constitution. If all American would accept the law and the process to change it, we would have a much more unified country.

The Republicans and Trump are hoping they try to do a replay of the Kavanaugh hearings, which may have cost the Democrats the majority in the senate in 2018.

They are unlikely to bring up any sexual assault or other sexually inappropriate behavior as is the standard fare for male appointees. They will be tempted to go after her religious beliefs, which is a very tricky subject, especially since Catholics do have a large number of swing voters. The environmentalists and feminists will possibly like to go after her for having born 5 children, but the fact that she has adopted 2 black children will be another tricky area. It is unlikely that any personal attacks on this woman will be coming. It will take a lot of restraint, it will interesting to watch if they can do it.

So, they will likely focus their attacks on Trump for nominating a justice right before an election. They will go after the Senators for advancing her through the process. They will contend that it is an illegitimate appointment. They may go as far as to boycott the whole affair and let her be confirmed without a lot of fanfare. They will not get her nomination to be withdrawn, which was their hope with Kavanaugh. They understand the futility of their position.

The Republican senators are now battle hardened political warriors, ready to go on the offensive in a moment. Trump is anxious to respond to any inappropriate behavior by the democrat Senators. They are all ready and anxious for an all out battle. The democrats will likely grit their teeth and swallow hard and hold their fire for a battle they can win.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Political Civil War heats up, everyone will need to take a side.



Image result for political warfare

We have been in a political civil war since Nov.8, 2016. Between the democrats refusal to accept the results of the election and the chicanery of the FBI, CIA, State Department and the media it has been an escalating trauma for the country.

Trump 's election has shaken Washington, he has questioned our foreign policy, our trade arrangements, our role as the world policeman, and immigration policies. Instead of engaging in a serious debate on these and other issues the tactic has been a scorched earth policy to destroy Trump and his questions.

When the Mueller probe finally wrapped up, most thought that things might cool down and the country may move in a more normal direction, this was not to be. The Democrats continued to talk impeachment, just as they have since before the inauguration. 

They moved to obstruction even if no collusion was found, then emoluments, because Trump is a businessman whose family still makes money in the private sector. Only career politicians should be acceptable for office. He and his supporters have been labeled racist, xenophobes, white supremacists and anything to discredit the debate.

Now they are talking impeachment for what both the democrats and the Obama administration openly did in the 2016 election.

The media has been relentless, actually doubling down daily. They cannot accept that any politician will not bow down and kiss their sanctimonious asses. They have become the supporters of the ruling class, all the while portraying themselves as the unbiased observers.

Trump seems to intentionally taunt and bait both the democrats and the media.

There already are and there are going to be many losers in the future. The media has already lost a good amount of their credibility. How do they plan on regaining it?

The democrats have descended into the most partisan and viscous group we have ever scene. While they may be able to destroy Trump, they will not be viewed as winners.

The courts have been a mixed bag, some attempting to delay or stop Trumps actions, some not so much. Their time for real scrutiny is coming.

We see an increase in those who support some kind of totalitarian socialist government and anarchists protected by local governments and the media.

We see cities and mayors proud of rejecting and not enforcing federal and state laws.

Up to now, the general population have been spectators, either cheering from the sidelines or quietly increasing in their rage. I suspect and fear everyone is going to be forced to take sides in the near future. It seems no one is concerned for the stability and safety of the country. All that is important now is attaining political power and preserving a corrupt political system of the ruling class.

originally published 10/8/2019,  more relevant than ever.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Mike Bloomberg: Its clear, being rich doesn't make you a political genius



Michael Bloomberg, the once successful mayor of New York city, especially when compared to the present mayor, has now made another very questionable political decision.

He has recently proved that his winning of elections in New York doesn't require a whole lot of political wisdom, just a lot of money and friends. It hasn't played out that good for Mike ever since.

First, one had to laugh when he believed that an ex-republican billionaire Jewish media mogul from New York could win a New democrat party Primary by spending a 100 Million dollars. The democrat consultants were very happy to soak up all that cash, promising results than never materialized. He should have known better, by just listening to democrat activist's platform proposals.

He has been pouring millions into democrat causes for years, for which he has gotten a lot of thank you's but still no respect. He still seems to be politically delusional.

His latest grand gesture is to pay off the fines of ex-convicts in Florida who have been released from jail, but needed to have their fines paid to be allowed to vote. He is reported to be spending over 30 million, assuming they are all going to vote for democrats.

Poor Mike most likely has never known or had a conversation with an ex-convict in his life. While he may have known a lot of potential felons in the political and business world of New York, they were not the same as the felons he is bailing out. His felon friends were mostly never caught. 

Most people in jail are realistic about why they were in jail. The saying, "Don't do the crime if you cant do the time", originated with inmates who chided their fellow inmates who whined about their predicament. This is group of mostly rebellious types, non-conformist's, individualists and generally consider themselves different from mainstream society. That's how they ended up in jail in the first place. They may even promise to vote for Bloomberg's choices for paying off their fines, but again these individuals have been dealing with untrustworthy people their whole lives and will be happy to smile and take the money.

So, Bloomberg believes they will all be grateful for his benevolence, and they will, just like his democrat friends, but who they will identify and vote for is another matter. 

Do you think most ex-cons will identify with Mike Bloomberg or Joe Biden or Mr. non-conformist, rebellious Donald Trump. I would bet on Trump without hesitation.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

News just gets more fake by the day



The News media's coordinated talking points for today is that Trump refused to promise a peaceful transition. This would only apply if he would lose the election. Trump does not believe he will lose and neither does the mainstream media. All he said is,  "we will have to see". Again, Trump failed to allow the press to get him to answer a hypothetical question. No matter, they will answer it in a manner that will promote their agenda, that Trump is planning to contest the election. 

While all this media hysteria is generated from a fake story, the Biden campaign has already hired 600 lawyers to contest the election. Liberal judges are extending the counting time from 3 days, 7 days and now 14 days in swing states. You can bet there is no limit to the number of days they will allow counting as long as they can move the numbers in their direction.

And the fact that the democrats, Hillary Clinton, members of the FBI, State department and intelligence community have still not accepted the results of the 2016 election and have engaged in anything but a peaceful transition.. The likely reason is they cheated enough to feel they had the election in the bag. For Trump to have won he must of out-cheated them.

Since 2016 the democrat activists led by Obama and Eric Holder have been focused on redistricting, mail-in-voting, no identification to register, lowering the voting age to 14, allowing non-citizens to vote, and any other way to skew the vote in their favor.

They are also threatening to support riots and chaos if they lose the next election. Pack the supreme court by adding more seats, add 2 more states to the union so they can have 4 more senators and only god knows what other schemes they will attempt to win back power.

And news today is all about Trump, They just cannot help themselves, they are delusional and psychotic. Hatred will do that to you. 

No charges brought in the Breonna Taylor Death.



Yesterday the long awaited results of the Grand Jury investigation into tragic death of Beonna Taylor were announced in Louisville Kentucky. There were no charges filed on the two officers directly involved in the death of Ms. Taylor. There were 3 counts of Wanton Endangerment filed against a third officer Brett Hankison. 

The Kentucky Attorney General, Daniel Cameron related the events of that March night from the investigation and testimony of the Grand Jury. I watched several news stations after his press conference and was amazed to see several renditions of his account. It is sad that this tragic event is going to continue to be politicized.

According to Attorney general, the  3 officers, Jon Mattingly, Myles Cosgrove and Brett Hankison were ordered to conduct a raid on apt 4 of this apartment complex. None of these officers were involved in the investigation that led to the issuing a warrant, nor did they request the warrant. This apartment was occupied by Ms. Taylor. The warrant stated that drug transactions were being conducted out of this apartment by Ms Taylor's boyfriend who was not named. This was not a "no Knock" raid, it was verified by at least one neighbor witness. Officers Mattingly and Cosgrove  approached the door of this apartment, officer Hankison remained outside. 

Officer Mattingly knocked and announced to open for the police, after a short time, not specified, they breached the door and entered. Mattingly was the first to enter and encountered a man and a women in a hallway. The male later identified as Kenneth Walker fired 1 shot hitting Mattingly in the thigh. Mattingly returned fire and was supported by fire form Cosgrove. Ms. Taylor was hit 6 times and died of her injuries, it appears that Walker was unhurt.

Meanwhile Hankison fired into the apartment from outside without clear view who was inside, he did not hit anyone, but several bullets penetrated a wall and entered into the adjoining apartment, occupied by 3 residents. this is why he is charged with 3 counts of wanton or reckless endangerment.

The following is not from the Attorney general's presentation but reported in other places: It appears that an associate of Ms. Taylor, Jamarcus Glover had been observed entering and leaving this apartment, Glover listed this apartment as his address. Investigators observed packages being delivered to this address and Glover leaving with the packages. The police at the time of the raid believed that Ms. Taylor was alone and they were expecting to find drugs in this apartment. 

Ms. Taylor had no criminal record, Mr Walker legally possessed his weapon. Walker was initially charged and in May charges were dropped. No drugs were found in this apartment.

The police officers were also a victim of this sad affair in that they were ordered to execute this warrant and found themselves in a life or death situation to which they responded. They did not do the prior investigation nor ask for the warrant. 

An investigation is still ongoing into the sources of the information for the warrant and Jamarcus Glover's involvement in this situation. 

Of course, the biggest victim is poor Breonna Taylor who found herself in the middle of this tragedy that resulted in her death. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Pennsylvania court continues to engage in Judicial activism



In 2018 the Pennsylvania Supreme court took to themselves the authority to redefine congressional districts. This authority is clearly defined in the Pennsylvania constitution as a responsibility of the legislature. This was a serious breach of the authority of the legislature. While they made a weak protest against this overreach, they folded rather quickly. Now the overreach is continuing with the court redefining the rules for mail-in ballots. It seems this court is determined to be involved in the outcome of the upcoming elections.

The legislature passed rules for this years mail in voting. The court has now decided that ballots post marked until 8 pm on election day should be counted for 3 days past the election day. You can bet this will not be the end of the matter. If the outcome is not what they should desire, will they extend the counting for a longer time? Will they change the rules in other ways? Will we be counting ballots for weeks?

This is the result of the legislature not defending their rights in 2018. They should have stood fast. They should have shut down the government if necessary. They just put their tail between their legs and slinked away. This is a a result of weak leadership in the legislature.

This pattern is going on in all the swing states. Ballot counting is already being extended in Wisconsin and Michigan and likely in any swing state with a democrat governor and court.

It is reminiscent of the ballot harvesting that took place in California in 2018 where all the results resulted in the the Republicans narrowly losing their Congressional seats.

All this redistricting and ballot shenanigans are the result of the Obama and Eric Holder plan to change the rules to favor democrat candidates. This is a continuing effort.

As for the court, it is the result of the Education establishment which has been very aggressive in placing judges on the ballot and organizing their members to support those who will uphold their over-sized pension plans. The judges they have supported have consistently ruled unconstitutional any efforts to reform their over the top pension benefits. 

They have taken advantage of the fact that most voters have no idea who these judges are and what they stand for. A good rule of thumb would be, if the teachers union supports them, they should be rejected. It is time now to organize and inform the public on a massive scale who these judges are and how their agenda effects not only the citizens property taxes, but also the results of general elections.

It has been the pattern for decades when the left leaning cannot accomplish their goals at the ballot box or legislation, they get it done by sympathetic judges who are willing to engage in activist court rulings.

Judges should only interpret the law and the Constitution, not make it up as they go along. This has undermined the citizens confidence in the courts and created more division in the country.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Historic stone Bridge restoration in Albany township



It has now been over a year since the restoration of a historic bridge in Albany township, Berks county. This bridge is just off  Rt 143 near Kempton. It is on the Old Philadelphia pike. I passed routinely as they restored this bridge. They stripped it down to its foundations and put it back together. It is likely this bridge is as good or better than when it was first built. It sets a wonderful example to other municipalities when they consider replacing or restoring  a bridge.

This is a larger than usual bridge that was common years ago, like the covered wooden bridges they held up remarkably well over the years. I tried to find out the details as to who conducted this restoration and the cost, but had little success. It seems it may have been a PenDot paid for project.

There are still quite a few of these bridges in service in the surrounding counties and there now seems to be a desire to restore them rather than replace them. They are a historic example of the engineering and workmanship of a past era and should be preserved.

These bridges are likely to have been first developed by the Roman engineers and replicated in Europe and then of course by the new immigrants to North America. They are not only functional but beautiful.

It is encouraging to see that the talent and workmanship to restore this bridge to its original function and beauty has not yet been lost.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Trump & Republicans are going to do exactly what Democrats would do



The death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg has come in the middle of an already contentious election. She was revered by the those who believed that the Constitution is a living document that is changed by the Supreme court interpreting the evolution of society and judging on their view of those changes.

She was opposed by those who believe the Constitution and bill of rights are the Law for the Federal government and can only be changed by the process laid out in the constitution itself. That is to change the Constitution, an amendment needs to be made to the Constitution, passed by the Senate and be approved by 2/3 of the states. This is a slow and difficult process, as it should be, and if adhered to, we would have a much less divided country.

The court is to interpret the constitution as written. They are the highest court of appeal in constitutional matters  It is not really that difficult of a job, if it is left to interpret the meaning of the words in the constitution. It becomes a lot more difficult when the justices seek to fit the constitution to their or their supporters desires.

Judge Ginsberg can be honored for her service, she continued on under much adversity, suffering from cancer for the last 20 years. She was pressured to retire during the Obama presidency so that he could name her replacement. She held fast and refused to resign. That was the only power that she had to have any power over her replacement.

The Constitution makes it clear that the president shall appoint judges and the senate will confirm or reject his choice. The most important factor for the senate to consider is the qualifications of these judges, are they of sound mind?, do they understand the role of the court etc? If we would have one hard and fast rule for judges it should be that they should interpret the law as written, not as to how they believe it should have been written. If that would be the rule and they would follow it, the court would be a much less controversial body.

Now we are going to hear all the reasons why a new judge should not be appointed. They are all grasping at straws, a new judge will be nominated by Trump and and approved by this Senate.

To approve a judge, a president needs to have a Senate with a majority to pass his nominee. References to what happened in 2016 are not relevant. Obama did not have a majority in the Senate. If he had, he would have seated a new judge even in the last week of his term. 

Trump has 53 to 47 majority in the Senate. The last hope is to peel off 4 Republican Senators. They hope to have Collins, Makowski, and Romney jump ship. They may appear undecided for political purposes, but if any jump ship their political careers as Republicans will be over. They may allow Collins a pass, if they believe it will allow her to hold her Seat. Passing with the vote of the vice -President is always a possibility.

Some believe Trump should put up a Nominee, but not vote for confirmation until the after the election, to use it as a campaign issue. It would truly be a double edged sword.

I believe he should put up a nominee that is acceptable by at least 50 republican senators, and McConell should have the confirmation vote before the election. Get it done. 

The other side has fought and disparaged Trump and every one of his appointees. They acted in a despicable manner during the confirmation hearings of Brett Kavanaugh. They have not ever given this president anything. 

He should use his power and his majority. It will likely make no difference in this election. But there is the chance that republicans will honor the decisive action and democrats will possibly be deflated and demoralized by this loss.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Judicial overreach has caused much of the division and instability in America.



Image result for the supreme court

Much of the division in our country has been created by a supreme court that has consistently pushed policies that could not be enacted at the state or legislative level. This shortcircuiting of the process has created more division and instability than any other single factor.

The constitution gave the federal government certain enumerated powers.They were to be in control of national defense, regulate interstate commerce, control and regulate immigration and guarantee certain individual rights guaranteed by the bill of rights among other powers. All powers not guaranteed by the constitution were to be decided by the individual states. The Bill of Rights was an explicit constraint of the powers of the Federal government. A provision in the constitution allowed for changes to be made by the Amendment process. It is difficult process and needs a strong consensus by the whole country, as it should. It should not be accomplished by a decision of  5 of  9 judges.

Over decades the power of the states to control their own destiny has been continuously eroded in the quest of a large all controlling Federal government. The beauty in having 50 individual states making most of their decisions for themselves is that it provided a laboratory of ideas that could be tried, adopted or rejected much more quickly and efficiently than in a huge federal bureaucracy. It also allowed a slow and thoughtful evolution of the building of consensus in matters that were controversial. Many times these overreaching court decisions mirrored the desires of elite classes from the coasts of the country. Those citizens of many states were forced to adopt measures in direct opposition to the majority of the citizens of those states.

States rights are the pressure relief valve that allowed the country to be unified on the most important issues for the whole nation while giving people the options to vote with their feet if the state that they lived in became out of touch with their personal objectives and beliefs . We see this process going on even now with internal migration within the country. 

In the last few years we have seen the division in the country not seen since the civil war. You can only cram things down peoples throats so long until they say enough. Now we as a nation can insist that the federal government will control every aspect of life even at the point of a bayonet if necessary and possibly end in a violent confrontation. Or we can agree to divide the country into several confederations of states with their own form of government that satisfies their majority. It would be much better and much easier and much safer to just refer back to the wisdom of our founders who had already solved these problems for us.

The constitution is not a complicated document, it is the law for the federal government, it is ultimately enforced by a court appointed for life. Contrary to the belief of the elite class in this country, most citizens who have the desire to read can see if decisions are in keeping with this law. 
It is not an ever changing interpretation or it will be a meaningless document, which is exactly what some want, so that in their quest for power they can decide how all should live. If changes need to be made,  the amendment process is clear and concise and to be respected by the nation. 

The most divisive decisions made in the last few years concerned abortion and the federal financing of abortion and the defining of marriage. I would bet that 435 Federal representatives and 100 Senators would be relieved if they did not have to deal with these issues. Would it not be better if the states decided these matters and the internal migration could make a more peaceful and united country.

Originally published 10/7/2018

Friday, September 18, 2020

Home owners from St. Louis speak at Republican rally.



Last night there was a rally held at the Lower Saucon Township Park. It was well attended and surely reached the 250  limit mandated by the state. It was a peaceful rally without any disturbances or presence of not invited groups. It was a closed non -press event. The main speaker was Mark McCloskey accompanied by his wife Patricia. They recounted their experience when confronting a mob who verbally threatened to kill them, burn down their house and rape his wife.

There home is a historic home built in 1904, they spent 25 years restoring it to its former glory in the heyday of a thriving area. In the area that they live it is a private neighborhood with the streets being classified as private property.

The McCloskey's live in a suburb of St. Louis, a city of 300,000, which is a shadow of the city that had a population of 856,000 in 1950. It has not had a republican elected in this district since 1953. At one time it was the 4th largest city in the U.S. and had been called the  "Gateway to the West"  It now has the highest murder rate in the U.S. and is considered the 13th most dangerous city in the world according to Wikipedia.

Their ordeal began June 28 of this year when a large mob of hundreds of protesters broke down the gate to their home and headed toward their home. The Mcclosky's were already concerned about what was happening a few miles from them in the city. They had been watching the looting, arson and other violent acts engulfing the city without much response from the police. When the mob entered their property he informed them this was private property and asked them to leave his property. The use of the term ,"Private Property" enraged the mob and they continued to move toward them. It is then, that he retrieved a rifle and warned them to stop. This confrontation lasted for around 15 minutes with several armed body armor clad individuals with the mob moving forward and threatening them. McCloskey was prepared to open fire when the crown eventually moved on. All this while they verbally threatened to kill them, rape his wife and burn his home. They had called 911 and it took 10 hours for a response.

When this became a national news story the nightmare escalated with black lives matter and antifa members vowing to return in the next week to do what they previously threatened. McCloskey asked for police protection and was denied, He attempted to hire private security but was told his best option was to grab all he could and leave. None wanted to get into a national news story. Finally he called the president and was later called by Tucker  Carlson of Fox News to do an on air phone interview. He then received calls from many security people from around the country who came to assist them. 

On August 7, a large crowd of approximately 1000 protesters gathered outside his property. The police then did show up and kept the crowd apart from the security people. Finally the crowd dispersed and some semblance of peace returned for this couple.

While not being very politically involved in the past they have now become a spokesman in warning all citizens about the dangers of allowing mobs to loot, burn and commit act of violence. Calling for the people in power to restore law and order and safety.

While 9 members of the mob were cited for trespassing, the McCloskey's have been charged with a list of felony charges for defending their property. Their ordeal is not yet over.

There is a lot of pressure by these left wing  groups to do away with laws that allow people to use force to defend their homes and property. I have watched many discussions were they believe that these laws are racist and no one should be able to use force to defend their property.  Many of these groups do not believe in private property and desire some form of economic redistribution by any means possible.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Democrats place all their hopes on the virus



Polls show many Americans are concerned about the Coronavirus, so the Democrats have decided they will double down on politicizing the pandemic to defeat Donald Trump. The Democrats and the media have decided that this can be the deciding factor in this election.

Of course, the deaths are blamed on Trump's either inaction or his downplaying the virus. They claim that Trump has caused the death of thousands of Americans. I have not yet heard any plan other than what Trump and his task force have already done. They claim that they do not want a national shutdown, but that they believe Trumps refusal to wear a mask when speaking and not mandating a national mask law is the cause in the increase in cases and deaths.

They are outraged that Trump has not engaged in token symbolism of wearing a mask at all times, even when everyone who he is with is being tested. While on one hand they have claimed that Trump is an authoritarian leader in the likes of Hitler and Mussolini, they continually attack him for not placing draconian rules and penalties on people for not wearing masks. 

While masks may help in interaction in close confines inside, they are meaningless, when outdoors, in your car or in your home. In fact, the paper masks that are so much touted do not filter out virus. To filter out a virus you need a rubber mask that covers your entire face including your eyes.

Early on the experts told us that masks were meaningless and that they could make matters worse by people placing their hopes on ineffective masks or masks not being handled properly or being touched etc. Now, yesterday the head of the CDC claimed masks were more effective than a vaccine. He should resign immediately. 

Speaking of Vaccines, the development of a vaccine has been the priority for ending the effects of the Corona virus since day one. The federal government has spent billions, cut down the delays in the process and even ok'd the manufacture of several vaccines even before they are approved, so that they can be distributed immediately after the approval. They have contracted to produce 100's of millions of doses, that process has been ongoing for months. God forbid that these vaccines would be approved before the election. There is now an all out effort by the Biden campaign, the democrats and media to actually trash any vaccine that would be available before the elections. Claiming Trump is pressuring early approval, even if untested etc. It is a disgusting display of the worst kind of partisan politics.

Early in this pandemic we were given guidelines of social distancing, washing hands, don't touch your nose or eyes. Don't put your fingers in your mouth. It is still the only thing that can makes some difference. 

At the same time the Governors of many of these states failed miserably at protecting the vulnerable in nursing homes. The only reason that the deaths in nursing homes has declined is because the most vulnerable are already dead. 

So it seems the virus is the last great hope of the democrats to win in November. It seems they have lost on all the other issues.  It is a sad commentary on the ruthless disgusting state of the non-debate today. Just when you think that politics can not get any more despicable, you are sadly surprised.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Historic Arab Israeli agreement signed at White House.



Yesterday September 15, 2020 the "Abraham Accords" were signed at the White House. This agreement between the United States, Israel, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates will establish full diplomat relations and recognition between these countries. This is without a doubt the most significant development for Mid-East peace since the normalization of relations between Israel and Egypt in 1979. 

The 1979 agreement made war with Israel and the Arab nations a much more unlikely event. This accord makes a peaceful and cooperative existence for all in the middle east a much more likely situation.

The agreement opens up cooperation in Healthcare, Science and Technology, Tourism, Energy, Environment, Education, Maritime Arrangements, Telecommunications, Agriculture and food security, Water, and Legal cooperation. It really is a full recognition and cooperative arrangement between these countries.

The countries all share a highly educated population, strong financial position and can all prosper greatly from such an agreement. It is truly a glimmer of what could possibly be an era of prosperity for the whole Middle East region.

It is expected that up to five other Arab nations are seriously working to join this accord in the near future

There is also talk of economic development and cooperation in establishing a state solution for the Palestinian people. If trust and cooperation can be achieved in this region, then a solution for Palestine would be a much easier situation.

This will further isolate Iran from the other countries in this region and threaten to leave them behind economically. It will be a huge incentive for a new peace arrangement between these countries and Iran in the future.

The key to the success of this agreement is that by agreeing to cooperate in the security and economic future of the region, trust can be built that will make the hard decisions of the future less threatening.

Trust, rather than a policy of fomenting revolution and regime change, has been the defining difference in international relations by the Trump administration.

There likely will be efforts by some to undermine this new cooperation, but it is likely all parties understand this and are prepared to deal with these issues as they arise.

The naming of this agreement, "The Abraham Accords", refers to the patriarchal lineage of the Arabs and the sons of Israel from a common ancestor, Abraham, Israel descended from Abraham and Sarah through Issac and the Arabs descended from Abraham and Hagar through Ishmael. This whole story is recounted in the book of Genesis and accepted by Christians, Jews, and Muslims.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Fires , global warming, coronavirus and the economy.



We as humans often get ourselves into trouble by assuming that we have to react to challenges in a massive response. Sometime that is called for, but most times it is better to take a deep breath and wait until we have the information to know what and how much response will make a difference. 

We see forest fires devastating the western coast today and everyone wants some kind of response to end the crisis now. There is no response that is going to solve this problem in a quick or decisive manner. Of course as is with everything today it becomes a political issue and then there will most likely be no response.

The left of course, immediately blames global warming and that we need to end the use of fossil fuels, they assume that will end the fires now. While the climate has been warming and there have been droughts in the western states, if the United States ended the use of fossil fuels tomorrow 100% it is very unlikely that we would see any change in the climate in our lifetime. 

While an immediate possible method of minimizing the human toll in lives and property would be to clear the brush and dead wood in areas were there are buildings and people living. The response has been that 57% of California's wooded areas are federal land and that the federal government should do it. Residents and buildings are not built on federal land it is either national forest or other protected land. It also has been routinely burned by forest fires for centuries.

While we are continuously looking for other sources of energy, as present, we cannot replace fossil fuels and maintain a modern economy.  We could devastate our economy very quickly, but it would not effect the climate. It would effect our ability to sustain life as we know it in this modern economy.

At present Nuclear power, both fission as we have now and fusion which could be the energy source of the future, is the cleanest source of energy, but now mostly politically unacceptable. 

We could also scrape our entire economy and choose to live in tents and eliminate automobiles. Lets have a referendum to see if that is what we want.

Much of this thinking has also  permeated the whole debate about the coronavirus. Many believe if we just shut down the whole economy, and everyone stays home, the virus will go away. It really is not likely, it would just delay the spread but would not eliminate the virus. If you look at the results from other developed countries the death toll per million is very similar, some have done better than others, and it is still a question what has made that difference. Many things would have to be taken into consideration, age of population, prevalence of other health issues etc., The reality is we have been hit with a new virus which has shortened the life of many who were mostly in serious health situations and this virus has accelerated their demise.

Again, politics took over immediately and it has mostly ended reasonable discussion on how to deal with one of the eternal facts of life since man has walked on this earth. Someone has to do something! Someone must be blamed!.

We were given good information from the beginning, we  must all assume responsibility for ourselves and do the best we can. We need to have the wisdom to know what we have power over and what we do not.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Why is Trump nominated for Nobel Peace prize?



While you can be sure that there will not be any positive reporting about hopeful developments in foreign affairs around the world, the facts are that there have been many positive developments.

First there is the middle east. When Trump took office there was violent confrontation in Libya, Syria and  Iraq. The Islamic Caliphate was ruled by ISIS which controlled large parts of Syria and Iraq. they were the result of the instability of the region which was a product of US intervention, a Sunni Jihadist movement and Iranian financed Shia jihadist movement. Trump pledged to destroy the ISIS caliphate and pledged to attempt to restore peace in the middle east.

In the early days of the Trump administration, he was able to call for an Arab summit in Saudi Arabia. It was attended by all the Arab leaders in the region and a positive dialogue was begun.

The first major development was when the new Leader of Saudi Arabia cracked down on wealthy Saudi's support for Sunni Jihadists, some were arrested, some were sanctioned and in effect much of the financing for ISIS, Al Queda and other Sunni groups was stopped.  

Then the Iranian nuclear deal was scrapped by the U.S. and severe sanctions were placed on Iran, which cut down on Iran's ability to support Shia terrorists in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Libya and north Africa.  There was increased cooperation with all the gulf countries in the isolation of Iran, which eased some of the fear of these countries from Iranian meddling in the region.

Much effort was made to restore more normal relations with Israel. There was interaction with Israel with Saudi Arabia and the other gulf countries. 

In a cooperative effort between the US, Iraq, Syria, Russia and the Kurdish people the ISIS caliphate was dismembered. The jihadists were mostly eliminated, the majority are buried in mass graves throughout the region. 

Then there was a cooperative effort between Syria, Russia, Turkey and Iraq to normalize and restore the boundaries of Syria and a plan for a new Constitution for Syria in the future. This was conducted in Astana, Kazakhstan. While the US was not part of this conference it did support the endeavor. 

Eventually there was the unveiling of a Israel/Palestinian peace plan. While it was considered a starting point, there was support from many of the Arab countries which pledged economic support for a proposed Palestinian state. There is pressure being placed on the Palestinians from the Arab coalition and there is pressure on Israel from the west. While still not accomplished there is the most hope for a solution in 70 years.

Recently the United Arab Emerates announced normalized relations with Israel. This agreement is planned to be signed in Washington in the near future. It is also anticipated that there will be other countries expected to follow in this path shortly.

While the region is far from perfect, it is a much more peaceful area under the Trump administration. There has not been any support from this administration for regime change in any country. We have reduced our military presence in the middle east without any negative consequences. These advances have been made by appealing to the long term best economic and social interests of all involved. So far it has been a resounding success.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

No debate about policy, only daily personal attacks.



We have now entered the last 60 days of a 4 year old political campaign to destroy Donald Trump. The plan to peel off support of his base has been a dismal failure. In fact, Biden's so called lead is beginning to evaporate. Trump's base has held firm and there is fear that his support may have actually expanded.

The issues are the same as they were 4 years ago. Trade policy that allows products to be made everywhere at the lowest cost and put American worker on welfare and food stamps. This has worked on black citizens for decades and if they can expand that policy to the rest of America, we will have a very controllable permanent dependent class.

The other issue is foreign policy, were the United States has been the policeman of the world, expending its youth and treasure to support a largely corrupt global government. 

We see no debate about these issues. Yet, I don't see Biden endorsing open borders, sanctuary cities, defunding the police or any of the other policies of his party. Trump has won on this issue, so just don't talk about it.

I don't hear Biden supporting the past trade deals that Trump has renegotiated with Canada, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, a partial deal with China, and ongoing discussions with the EU, UK and every other trade partner in the world. These are the trade deals that were one sided, that allowed all partners to tariff and restrict our products but free trade for their products. These were the trade deals that were approved by Clinton, Bush, and Obama that devastated American manufacturing. Biden supported every one. Trump has won this issue with those American people who actually make things and produce products.

I hear that Trump has alienated our friends and allies. When you are the guy who has a weekly meeting with friends at an expensive restaurant and you habitually pick up the tab, you will have a lot of friends. If you ask that they take turns or split the check you will start to see the table become a lot smaller. Friends who have to be bought are no friends at all. Trump has openly asked that NATO members live up to their agreed share of defense spending. In other words split the check. Wow, this is a sure way to alienate your friends.

Then of course there is the virus, which has killed roughly 500 to 600 per million in all the advanced countries, including this country. But in this country, Trump has just not got it done. While governors of New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey are above scrutiny for intentionally placing active Covid patients in nursing homes and killing thousands. Every state, and especially New York, was provided with everything that was needed from equipment to hospital beds, but Trump is the cause of all these deaths. It is shameful as to how low these people will go to attempt to win an election.

Trump has taken on all the issues that have been festering for decades. Many people have been getting rich by these policies and any threat is to be destroyed.

American's are in denial as to the extent of the corruption in their government. This applies to local, state, and particularly in the Federal government were all the money is for the taking. Changes will disrupt the cash flow.

So now we see the daily anonymous sources, the weekly tell all book, the statement by the so called credible source that Trump is crazy, Trump said this or Trump said that, or Trump is destroying the country. When in effect, these very same people who have been destroying America for decades, piece by piece, bit by bit, all with a motive of either greed, power or just plain hatred of the freedom and opportunity that America offers those who want to work, improve their skills, be innovative and industrious. They believe in the failed notion that the government is there to provide equality not opportunity to succeed. 

These people are so desperate that they are willing to allow their cities to be burned and looted with the misplaced assumption they will preserve the votes of black citizens, who they sense are slipping away.

So we will see, the hate for a non-politician, non-government type is consuming many. The bureaucratic establishment and media types who have succeeded by kissing ass their entire life. The so called experts who told us dont wear a mask, then we must wear mask, who will never admit they really don't have a clue. Our foreign policy and military leaders who have not won a war since WW2, while facilitating the death of millions and shortening the lives and futures of thousands of our youth. Who spent trillions and created instability with regime change strategies around the world that have accomplished little. These people have formed our foreign policy under Bush, Clinton and Obama. They still believe they are the brightest and the best and detest anyone who would question their judgement. Then we have the unhappy and alienated Americans who just find life so unfair. It is a coalition of the failed and unhappy. 

Their hysteria and hate is in itself proof that Trump is the real outsider needed to change what needs to be changed. They amplify and endorse him by their actions every day. Their extreme prejudice sets Trump apart and strengthens his support. 

Americans have a choice, it would be nice if it was clear choice based on a debate about policy, but a choice non the less. All our futures rest on them making the right choice.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Police need to tell politicians they must give them guidance.



We see police officers under attack not only physically on the streets and highways of this country, but by the weak politicians who are willing to throw the police under the bus. While police abuse sometimes happens, it is mostly they are in a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation.

I have yet to see any politician who has answered in public, what a police officer should do with those who disobey a lawful order, those who resist arrest, or those who assault a police officer. They are all quick to second guess the actions of the police by voicing what is unacceptable, but never give clear guidelines as to what they should do in these situations. 

Do they propose that police wrestle with those who resist arrest, let them go, or should it be cause for lethal force. Should they respond to all calls, or maybe just forget about responding to calls in certain neighborhoods where the police are not respected.

They often give into pressure to charge officers with offenses just to appease the mob, who if they had their way, all police would be eliminated or punished.

We see the teachers union decide not to teach due to covid, that is their right. We see other public workers unions set the conditions for their work. Why has the police unions not stood up for their ranks, who put their life on the line every day and never know what to expect when the stop someone on the road or encounter those who wish to do them harm. It is time they demand from the politicians clear guidelines as to how they should respond to every possible situation.

OH NO, that is not what politicians would ever want to do. They would rather throw the police under the bus, ruin their careers and the lives of their families, rather than make decisions as what responses police should make in various situations.

They should stand up and make these decisions before hand, or if the refuse to do so, then they have to trust the police to decide in that split second between life and death.

Police are retiring in droves, refusing to answer calls in certain areas, all in an effort to protect themselves from political assault. Maybe it is time they use the power of their union and walk out until they get clear guidance from the political windbags as to what actions they should and should not take in every possible situation. Not a list of what not to do if someone resists arrest, but a list of what they should do. If there is no positive guidance, there will be no action.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Biden: Charge police officers, let jury decide.



Yesterday, Democrat Joe Biden declared that he supported charging police officers, rather than investigate and use the facts and the law to decide on whether to bring criminal charges. This is the position pushed by the mob in every case of police using lethal force.

While in most cases they are acquitted of these charges, they are destroyed in their career and financially by the process. Then there is the risk of the anti-police mob to still harass and endanger the officer and his or her's family.

This is the typical thinking of a career politician who will always pass the buck and let someone else deal with the problem even at the expense of innocent people involved.

In the vast majority of cases involving police using lethal force it is the behavior of the suspect, rather than race that is the determining factor.

How about asking for public service messages in those communities most affected by violent confrontations with police. Things like.

Do not run from the police, either on foot or with a vehicle. 

Do not be disrespectful to the police, even if you think you are innocent.

Do not resist arrest.

Do not assault police officers.

Do not engage in activities that will result in the police being called to interact with you.

Do not be in the company of friends who are wanted by the police, who are dealing in drugs or other illegal activity.

Stay out of residences that are engaged in drug dealing or other illegal activity.

These messages should be given to all young people, no matter what race they happen to be.

Just good old fashioned plain good advice, that is always a good way to stay out of trouble.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

DeBlasio overtaken for worst mayor in USA




Ted Wheeler, the mayor of Portland Oregon is now far in the lead as the worst mayor in the USA. He has allowed rioting and looting to continue in the city for over 3 months. He has attempted to commensurate with protesters by marching with them and attempting to bargain with them. He has failed miserably to the point that the protesters have now attacked his home and his answer is to move. It seems this guy is a nice guy, too nice in fact, he should resign now and let someone attempt to save the city.

Wheeler seems to have done a good job as treasurer of Oregon, but it is obvious he is way over his head as mayor of this city.

When anarchists attacked the federal building in the city he insisted the Homeland security forces were the cause of the unrest. If not for those forces the federal court house would have been burned to the ground. He has refused to ask for aid from the federal government, more as a political statement rather than to look out for the citizens and businesses of his city. He, sadly for the city, does not have the backbone to be a mayor of this city. Being mayor may be easy when everything is going well, but it is obvious he is not up to the job.

He is up for re-election this fall, it will be interesting if the citizens of Portland believe he deserves a second term. In today's environment, who knows.

In a statement last week he said the answer is for Donald Trump to be defeated in November. That seems to sum up the attitude of many democrat mayors, it seems they believe allowing their cities to be looted and burned is a good political strategy to effect the Presidential election.

It seems to be a very poor strategy to me, but I don't see the value in much of the political strategy of today. It used to be that it was good strategy to do a good job, to provide protection and stability to the citizens, to encourage a good environment for business. But is seems the new Democrat strategy is allow the cities to burn and be destroyed and promise it will all end if Trump is defeated. 

Is this just an enhanced strategy of extortion, similar to what Black lives Matter and Antifa has been conducting? Is this how they expect to win the next election?

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Do not mail your ballots from your mail box!



Other than the NSA, no one knows more about you than your mail man or women. They handle your mail every day, for years possibly. They know what organizations you belong to. They know who you contribute money. They know what publications you subscribe. They know more about you than your friends, co workers and possibly even your relatives. 

This being the case, your mail person can probably assume who you are going to vote for in the upcoming election. Do not risk mailing your ballot from your mailbox with the flag up. To be sure your vote will get there take it direct to a post office or voter drop box. 

Now I believe most of the mail delivery people are honest trustworthy types. But I also believe there are some die hard political activists among their ranks. This could be advocates of both parties. It would be very easy for a mail person to place ballots of those he disagrees with into a set aside and then destroy some before they get to the post office. 

Ballots delivered to the post office should be anonymous and shenanigans are less likely. It may be a good idea to insist on monitors at the post office and for sure at the actual counting.

The less hands your ballot encounters, the more likely that it will be counted. If there is a provision to drop ballots at polling places, that would be even better.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

"Push from the top, push from the bottom", Alinsky strategy at work.



While the present violent unrest was supposedly started by a real injustice that was acknowledged by most of the country, it has now descended into an outright socialist revolution. It is very likely this plan was on the shelf just waiting for the inevitable event that could be used to trigger this mayhem.

It is a classic example of how to implement a socialist revolution in a country that does not support that type of change. It is spelled out clearly in Saul Alinsky's "Rules for radicals" the plan is to create an uprising brought on by real or imagined injustices and move the population by rioters demanding, things like defunding the police, being able to civilly sue police officers, using the legal system to punish anyone who opposes them, intimidate any opposition, either verbally, socially or by physical intimidation. This is the pushing up from the bottom. 

Then their allies in elected office then simply give in to their demands, claiming it must be done to restore peace and tranquility. These elected officials, some who know what they are doing, like the Mayor of Portland, and other weak incompetent ones who have no backbone to go against their supposed constituents.

After the police are made ineffective, which seems to have already happened in many major cities under weak incompetent democrat officials, these radicals themselves will become the rulers in these cities and set out on their plans of forced redistribution of assets. Of course they will be able to reap their share for their efforts.

Alinsky preached the old divide and conquer philosophy, and advocated having foot soldiers who believed they were the good guys and anyone who opposed them needed to be destroyed in any way possible. He actually dedicated his book to Satan, who he described as the first revolutionary. This may account for the attacks on churches and the christian religion.

These activists oppose capitalism, private property, and even the nuclear family. Is it any wonder that they engage in the destruction and looting of private businesses. Sadly, many elected officials in these cities believe that all business should be controlled and operated  by the government.

This has been the playbook of Marxist revolution throughout  history. It is amazing that it continues to work. It needs a population without an understanding and knowledge of history and human behavior. Often many do not even see how they are being manipulated to accept policies that are against their own best interest. Venezuela is the latest example of the end result.

You can bet on one thing, the end of this unrest is likely to continue no matter the outcome of this next election. While influencing this election is a goal of these radicals, it is by no means their only goal.