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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Is Law enforcement near breaking point?



In the last week we saw an unprecedented turnout for the funeral of a fallen New York city policeman. Officers came from all over to show their support and also make it clear that changes need to be made. We also saw leaked videos and recordings of meetings of Border Patrol personell voicing their disgust at the policies of this administration, concerning border enforcement. Morale in law enforcement is at an all time low. Recruitment for the military is becoming increasingly difficult.

All this is a result of a policy begun over 10 years ago by the Obama administration. Intentionally targeting police and law enforcement concerning our high rate of incarceration and some abusees by some police officers. 

City officials refusing to enforce the law, particularly concerning illegal immigration. 

Then the effort to elect district attorneys who refuse to enforce laws concerning theft, assault, and numerous so called minor offenses. The culmination of these policies has been the near destruction of law enforcement and the rule of law.

Big City police departments have all seen a record number of retirements and just plain quitting. They are having a hard time recruiting quality replacements. Would you encourage your son or daughter to enter law enforcement today? They are losing their mature experienced officers and it may be very dangerous as to who will replace them.

This applies to the military which is now a testing ground for social engineering, an experiment that is unlike any that has been engaged in human history. If this trend continues we will be filling our ranks with a draft or more likely a mercenary army, increasingly a foreign mercenary army. In fact, that trend has been going on for some time. A very dangerous reality for a free society.

With the approaching firing of police and military because of vaccination mandates this problem of recruitment is about to become greater.

If we are to save this experiment in self rule we need to change direction, now, not in another year or 3. District attorneys who refuse to enforce the law, particularly with violent offenders, need to be taken out of office by impeachment or just pressure to be fired. City Mayors who refuse to obey the law need to be removed. Charges need to filed for dereliction of duty. While we see calls for the removal of politicians for having lockdown parties and other nonsense, we need to more specific on those who do not keep their oath of office. The information to bring criminal charges against these officials is available and should be used to remove them.

Same goes for national office holders, the head of the border patrol and his rulers in Washington have all been blatantly refusing to enforce the legitimate laws of the country. Impeachment or whatever other legal recourse should be started now. If this country is to survive it may be up to the people to begin pressuring their representatives, that these actions need to commence now.

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