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Thursday, February 10, 2022

Strict adherence to the Constitution would bring unity.



If we are objective we would have to admit that most of the controversy and division in this country today would be lessened if all elected officials would take the Constitution and Bill of Rights seriously. Sadly, most are looking for ways to work around the Constitution.  

The Constitution is a simple document, it lays out the construction of our Federal government, the Bill of Rights was demanded by the writers who understood that government is a devouring beast that will, if left unchecked, trample on the rights and lives of the citizens.

The duties and limits on the Federal government have been very clearly spelled out, yet we see some of the most outrageous legislation debated in a serious manner by members on both sides of the political spectrum. We see abuses by a growing fascist partnership; between government and private companies to work around the constitution and bill rights, especially concerning freedom of speech. Speech is words and if they offend, sorry, they need to be protected. Once we decide that some speech is worthy of acknowledgment and some not, it is a very dangerous slippery slope. While the country has protected pornoghraphy and all kinds of questionable behaviour, they have consistently attempted to limit political speech, the type of speech that the framers had in mind.

Only governments with authoritarian goals want to limit speech, be careful of any government or their allies that seek to limit speech.

Then there is the issue of Executive Orders, another method of skirting the limits imposed by the Constitution. Executive orders were a method of enforcing already enacted laws, not diminishing or dismissing existing law. It is now common practice to not enforce laws that an administration does not like. This is flagrant dereliction of duty to uphold the law and the constitution. It is clearly a grounds for removal from office.

The Constitution made changes a real possibility, it is only through the amendment process that it can be legally changed, not by the whims of one administration after another attempting to impose their will on the people. We have seen very important changes to the Constitution that changed or clarified rights to the people, women voting, election of Senators and other important changes. We saw the outlawing of alcohol by the amendment process and also its reversal. It was all supported by the majority of the citizens.

We often hear the proclamation that the unconstitutional wishes of one group of activists or another are supported by the overwhelming majority, if that is really the case, then a Constitutional amendment is the legal way to accomplish this change. A time consuming and difficult endeavor, as it should be. Adhering to these principles of constitutional government would relieve a lot of stress and divisiveness, Something we all need at this time.

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