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Monday, November 14, 2022

U.S. county election map show red/blue division.



This map of the 2022 election results shows clearly the difference between urban populations and rural voters. Not surprising people who tend to live away from city centers do so by choice. Urban centers often have the political power to control the legislature in many states and attempt to force their view of the world on those who choose a more private life.  

To some extent that has always been true, that is why we have an electoral college, so that urban states could not force their view on the more agricultural or rural population. It seems it is becoming more of an issue since the politics are not just a little different, but more and more seem to have a diametrically opposite view of how things should be.

The difference has recently been exaggerated by the COVID shut down which damaged small business, while labeling corporate business essential. It is no secret that many on the left openly suggested that to gain ultimate power it would be a strategy to effect the incomes of those who support their opposition. Of course, all political operatives have such maps and are likely viewing how one side can be diminished and the other enhanced. 

While the blue parts have large dense populations and decades of entrenched Democratic bureaucracy they have the ability,since the new unaccountable election laws have been implemented, to fulfill their hoped for total one party control of the country.

It seems there is also a reddening of some states and a bluing of others, due to the economic environment in some red states.  Of course, migration form blue states may very well eventually weaken the majority in those states by not actually embracing the policies that have created the positive environment. Policy and results are connected.

Alaska is a glaring example, many off the grid types live in Alaska, many most likely have never voted. The Urban areas are all government workers who want more government and more benefits. At the same time the rural areas qualify for a lot of social benefits, due to having little in dollar incomes. So Alaska is surprisingly politically not near as conservative as one would expect.

The other dynamic that has never been taken into account is that while urban populations are increasingly dependent on the government, they are also entirely dependent on the other parts of their states for food, energy and many necessities of life.

It has been predicted for some time that as more Americans live from a government check, either facilitated by taxes or an ever increasing debt they will easily be bought by an increasingly authoritarian government. If you add up all the government workers, school teachers and their family's, those whose only sustenance is some government contract and those who receive government benefits, it could be they are now the majority in the country.

This reality will likely cause the government to be bold in their endeavor to take from those who have, to continue to pay-off their supporters, it is how they will be able to stay in power. It is interesting to note, that Biden's first words after this midterm is that he plans to go all out for more gun control.

It is a fact, that we no longer live in a UNITED States of America and sadly it is likely to become even more divided. While states rights and the 10th amendment offers some protection, it does not offer protection form urban vs rural. As the cities continue to decline the inclination to look to the assets and resources of the rural will be the ultimate government target of redistribution.


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