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Friday, November 11, 2022

Three days and counting, and counting and counting



So we see the two races that will be very important to who controls the Senate are still not confirmed. Nevada and Arizona, two actually small states just cant seem to be able to count the votes. When the counting lasts for days, the Democrats will win.

This whole pattern has been set years ago in California, when they began this charade with elections lasting for weeks after the actual election day. They then used this time to collect more votes by vote harvesting, until they got enough for the Democrats to win. This plan is now spreading to other states , then of course eventually they will have a sound democrat majority in the state, pass things like mail in voting and their majority is assured forever.

Now of course, it is now politically incorrect to question the motive of election officials, even if many of the officials are Republicans. California, a state that once elected many Republicans and even Republican Presidents, is now a one party state in perpetuity.

Now it reported that this election was influenced by 1st time voters, who are voting for the first time. I wonder if these voters know if they voted in their first election?

As for Pennsylvania, as long as this state has mail in voting, controlled by entrenched Democrats in major cities, Republicans will NEVER win a state wide election. 

One must also ask about the polling, before the election, and exit polls. Exit polls almost unanimously were negative, on the issues that most considered the major issue, yet they ended up with Democrats winning. Polls that in the last days indicated a Republican landslide, either were wrong, or were intentionally inflated to motive Democrat votes. Or maybe it indicates something else.

We do not have an election system, that I can trust, but I guess everyone believes it is sound and not corrupted. 

So, it seems the Democrats will now be able continue with their agenda, an agenda that will continue to degrade this country both economically an socially until it will be just shadow of it former glory. It may be true that the people get the leaders that they deserve.

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