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Friday, November 25, 2022

Fear, major tool of politics. Who should you fear?



Fear and greed are the two most used emotions by political operatives ever since some humans have been ruling over other humans. While greed is continually used, either by promising some kind of financial benefit if you will elect them, special treatment of your way of making a living or some other angle, it seems fear is moving to be the top emotion in today's political world.

We see it escalating in the last 12 years particularly, first with the use of incidents involving black males and violence by police or white subjects, all in an attempt to motive black voters, that their life is continually in danger from white racism.  The Trayvon Martin incident was the first, followed by the Michael Brown, incidents, both piled on by the complicit media to edit 911 tapes, flood the air waves with false narratives, all part of a coordinated effort to sow race division for political purposes. The results were riots, destruction of property and a successful political campaign. Even though after due deliberation, both accused were exonerated, the damage and the political success was noted.

Then the scourge of White Supremacy, a vague sort of term, with little real organized or real threat in the problems in the country. It was made to look that there were conspiracy's all over the country to threaten Blacks, Jews and any other groups that could be used as a target. Words like "lynching" and "putting blacks back in chains" by Joe Biden were really way out of line with the realities of American life. The damage to race relations by these opportunist politicians may never be repaired in our lifetimes, and they will be happy to continue with the race baiting, as long as it effective.

The newest use of fear is now "Christian Nationalist", again I know of no such organization, but it is being used against anyone who opposes their political agenda, and these people, whoever they are, are now a threat to the country, the democrats and to democracy. This is the first time in this country that Christians have been targeted as threats to the country. So, if you have religious beliefs and are a believer in the sovereignty of this country as an independent country you are now a threat to other citizens of the country and democracy, as they define it. While these tactics are new to the United States, they have been repeatedly used by other authoritarian governments for centuries.

We will not go back any further than the 20th century to note that most SOCIALIST governments have been the perpetrators of the worst atrocities in their demonizing and dividing the electorate, even when they had no elections and were in effect dictatorships. 

The National SOCIALISTS, of the 1930's and 40's Germany, used the fear of Jews to divert attention and subjugate the country and engage in actual genocide, against not only Jews, by any group that was considered a threat to the state and their political power..The use of propaganda, censorship of opinions and national police that threatened, killed and imprisoned their political opponents.

Then of course, there was the ultimate experiment in Totalitarian SOCIALISM, in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. They did not use race so much as political enemies, but ideology, anyone who even thought or spoke in private against the socialist state was considered a "Reactionary"and could be taken away to a work camp or just plain disappear. Socialism is always an ideology that needs to to protected from those that do not agree. The ideology is to be forced on everyone, from kindergarten to college and in the work place, those that resist are to be destroyed by any means possible and often cheered on by their neighbors as, "must have done something."

In the former Soviet Union, the Kulaks, were the small independent farmers, the state decided they wanted collective farmers and not private independent farmers. The Kulaks resisted and hid some of their produce for themselves and their community, the Socialist state then raided the farms of everything and the Kulaks mostly starved to death. I suspected other rejoiced in the death of these reactionaries.

So the point is, we as Americans do not need to fear our neighbors, whether they are White, Black Asian or whatever, nor do we need to fear free speech from those that disagree with government policy, no matter if it is about foreign relations, COVID or any social or economic policy. WE NEED TO FEAR, AUTHORITARIAN GOVERNMENT, that wants to control everything, including your thoughts and stop at nothing to silence anyone who they consider a threat to their power.

Historically, government and particularly socialist governments have been the greatest threat to individuals and groups in world history, from the Soviet Union, to Cambodia and NAZI Germany, only the government has the power to confiscate all that you own, take your freedom and your life. Beware, once the population allows them this unlimited power they will eliminate anyone who attempt to limit that power.

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