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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Trump, Make America great again, again



While many are claiming, just as they did in 2016, that Trump has no chance of ever winning the White House again, it remains to be seen. Trump has been planning this for some time, and did the good party routine of waiting for the mid-terms to be over. He has taken the step to get ahead of all those who are considering a run. All the other possibilities will now sit back and watch, they have lots of time to decide if they want to take Trump on. They all realize that Trump still has strong support from the party's base.

While the establishment republicans, Bush/Cheny types would like to foment a war between Trump and DeSantis, both are a little bit wise to this gambit. They would love to watch both DeSantis and Trump destroy themselves so they could step in to save the day. It will not happen.

DeSantis is now 44 years old, has never voiced his desire to run for President this time. He has lots of time. It is rumored that Trump and DeSantis are on good terms and both enjoy the drama to some extent. If Trump looks viable after the nomination, DeSantis would be number 1 for Vice-President.

DeSantis has just won a large victory for his second term for governor, his reputation is strong, he is without a doubt a presidential contender in the future. A run in just a few months would earn the label of an opportunist who has used his being governor as a stepping stone to the presidency, while this may be true, why let it be used as weapon against him. On the other hand, an offer to be Vice-President, especially in almost 2 years, would allow him to be doing the patriotic thing.   

At present, there are not any other viable candidates to win the republican nomination and they know it.

At present it is doubtful that any Republican can win the presidency in 2024 with the current election chaos. John Fetterman would more likely have a better chance. So why not let Trump, who all have admit has the hard baked personalty, to possibly clear the path for a Republican candidate in the future.

A presidential campaign with Trump out there will be an all out assault on the opposition, possibly bring about the exposure of the Democrats money-laundering operations in Ukraine and in other countries who we give money. What do we have to lose, if Trump wants to go out there and stir things up, beat the bushes so to speak, who knows what trash will fall out of the weeds.

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