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Thursday, June 22, 2023

It must be embarrassing, if you play "rope a dope" and end up the dope.



Many in this administration have openingly admitted that this Ukraine conflict was all planned and intended on putting Russia into a predicament where they would be bled by the cost of war and the imposition of sanctions. Bled to the point to where their economy would be destroyed and hopefully they could oust Putin and change the government of Russia. They made comparisons with the results of the Soviet Union and Afghanistan conflict. A conflict fought by others and supplied and encouraged by the U.S. This time it was the Ukrainians who would do the fighting and dying, and die they have, in very great numbers. Of course, they are of little consequence in the great global chess game of world dominance.

It was a simple game of "rope a dope", Russia was to be the dope, which would be baited into entering Ukraine and then a damaging insurgency of Ukrainians would sap the resources of Russia. This coupled with economic sanctions would bring about the collapse of the Russian economy, the rejection of the government and the west could install a government that they could control and give them access to the great resources of the Russian federation. Decades of planning and NATO expansion would finally fulfil their biggest dream. Oh, the best laid plans can turn into the roper becoming the dope.

After 18 months of this tragedy, it continues with lies, propaganda and a grand illusion of impending success. Actually a delsional dream that has gone far amiss.

So we see western Europe with declining economies, high inflation and oppressive food and energy prices. An actual de-industrialization is taking place.

We see both the United States and NATO running out of weapons to give and finding it hard to keep up with the demand for rockets, ammunition and supplies.

Ukraine has suffered 100's of thousands of deaths, possibly half a million disabled veterans. The economy is destroyed. Over 40% of the population have fled the country, likely to never return. But the bleeding and destruction must go on until Russia is destroyed. How long can they expect poor Ukrainian men to continue? 

The United States has spent at least $140 billion in weapons and support. Ukraine is now a dependent on the U.S. for $5 billion a month, just to keep the government running, paying the salaries and pensions of government workers. In reality, Ukraine is now a failed state that may never even exist in the future.

The sanctions, and the intimidation that has been used on the world to submit, is resulting in a new division of the world into 2 economic systems. The reality will force the economic decline of the United States.

While to this point they are all going to be labeled as enemies of democracy and the United States, the reality is they just want out from under the oppression of economic power to force economic, political  and social revolution on their countries.

So, now we are at a cross roads of decision, can the United States re-think its failed objective and mend fences with the world or will it do, as it seems to be inclined, to double down and escalate. 

With the present government now in a position of near dictatorship, engaging in fascist media cooperation in censorship and using its power to suppress and punish opposition and dissent, it is unlikely it will change direction from within.

We are probably destined to escalate, either NATO troops on the ground or air power over Ukraine, a reality that Russia has been preparing for, understanding the mentality of this crowd. A confrontation that is by no means certain as to the outcome. A confrontation that can only end in Nuclear catastrophe.

The last hope may be only that some wisdom will appear in prominent NATO members, who will say enough, this has to stop now.

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