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Monday, June 12, 2023

Russia defense department out managing U.S. defense dept.



Much has been made of Russia's feeble economy when compared to the U.S. economy. Often refereed to to as a "Gas station masquerading as a country". This last 18 months of war between NATO, mostly the U.S., and Russia have been very revealing. We have been told that Russia would suffer an economic collapse in weeks, That they would run out of Ammo and Missiles and other materials at any moment.

Apparently those assumptions were far from the mark. Why? Are are intelligence communities that far off in their analysis? Is anyone asking those analysists what has happened? Are our intelligence communities too busy and preoccupied with domestic surveillance and interfering in the politics of other countries to provide important credible information on our adversaries?

Then, Russia seems to have quite adequate weapons systems. Their air defense weapons are often touted as the best in the world. Their hyper-sonic missiles are very effective. It appears they have very large numbers of artillery. Then they consistently fire 20,000 rounds of 155 mm armillary shells in a day when the U.S. can only produce that much in a month and the NATO countries not even that. What is this telling us? It seems it is far overdue for a thorough accounting and audit of the defense department, something that is claimed is impossible. Where is all this money going? $880 billion U.S. vs $67 billion in Russia, an  extraordinary number.

Now, we understand that Russia has not maintained a surface naval fleet to project power around the world, a very expensive endeavor. Russia has heavily invested in a very formidable submarine fleet, that while never tested, is considered a formidable fleet. Some say this is a serious counter to any surface fleet.

It is reported that Russia can produce possibly 100 tanks a month, even if it is half that, it is far more than what is possible in the west. Is the United States so dependant on materials and supplies from China, that it is incapable of ramping up production of basic military supplies, if needed? Has the United States focused on complicated, expensive and difficult to maintain weapons systems that has left it vulnerable with shortages of Ammunition and other basic supplies? Someone better be asking those questions?

The U.S. 's closest competitor in military spending is China with approximately $200 billion per year. The U.S. spends more than the next 10 counties combined and claims that it needs to be raised dramatically. 

While the discussion is about the defense department, is the situation the same in other departments. Are we getting a good return on this outrageous spending? Spending that is being financed by increased borrowing and borrowing costs. Congress needs to be responsible and stop giving blank checks to everyone.

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