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Friday, September 8, 2023

Biden foreign policy disaster.



While Joe Biden likes to boast about the unity of NATO in the Ukraine conflict, it seems to be the only arena standing with the U.S. foreign policy. While that unity is now intact, how long can it endure with severe economic problems forecast for western Europe. 

So far there has been some cooperation in the pacific area, but China is the basis for much of the economic performance of all the pacific rim countries. We now see economic retaliation coming from China, choosing to deal with partners not aligned with the United States. China is focusing its economic partnership with countries, BRICS members for one, that are interested in doing business without political or social engineering strings attached. This is a departure from the trend of global trade and global markets. These moves will have serious consequences for all involved. While it may have negative consequences in the short run for China, it may be a more positive long range plan.

The major countries of the Middle East have, by their actions, declared that they are no longer in lock step with the agenda coming out of Washington. They are firm in their commitment to continue to do business with China and Russia, while at the same time desiring to do business with Washington and the west but as independent sovereign nations. Attempts to force compliance economically or by declining to sell desired military equipment will only lead to more trade with Russia and China.  

We see similar trends coming out of Africa were there is a desire to end control from European former colonists. It will also have some economic impact on western European countries. 

The same tend is escalating in South America were major countries are shunning allegiance to any power and want to be able to trade with whoever is the most advantageous to their economic health.

While 30 years of interventionist U.S. foreign policy has been at the root of these developments, it has all culminated in the policies of the Biden administration. The refusal to address the legitimate security concerns of Russia, the refusal to support the negotiated Ukraine settlement in the spring of 2022 have all influenced the world, that has been watching.

The doubling down on threats and intimidation to those countries that wish to stay neutral have forced countries away.  The attempt to continue to undermine countries like Hungary, Georgia, India and Turkey have not forced submission but avoidance.

Biden has refused to have conversations with the leadership of Russia for near 2 years. He has alienated the leaders of China, that now refuse to have any conversations or meetings with him. He alienated the leadership of Saudi Arabia even before he took office, with his insults and threats. It is the first time that the G20 meeting will not be attended by the leaders of China and Russia.  This situation is because this meeting is going to be not be about economic cooperation but political division. India, who is hosting this meeting, is perplexed because they hoped that the meeting could be used to build bridges not more division.

As the world slides into more division, the United States, which is also severely divided, has little moral authority to influence anyone. With a fiscal policy that is headed for ruin, with social polices far out of accepted global norms, with a decline into political persecution and  prosecution, attempts at censorship and a questionable election system, the United States needs to get its own house in order, before it can ever be a world leader.

Leadership come not form threats and intimidation, but persuasion, if your house is in chaos, how can the United States persuade anyone.

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