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Thursday, September 14, 2023

Global conflict expands and deepens.



We continue to watch as the west has now reversed course from only threats and intimidation to more carrots to expand and keep its allies. We also see Russia and China solidifying cooperation from anyone who is willing and has become ostracized by the west. From North Korea, to likely be used as burr under the saddle of Japan and South Korea, to Venezuela who can expand into another ally in South America.

While many in Europe and even Russia had hoped that the day would come when there would again be peace and cooperation in that part of the world it is becoming clear that time is running out for any possible rapprochement. It seems it is becoming a irreconcilable divorce for the future. While Russia has been damaged by sanctions and war, it is managing and even slightly prosporing, mostly because much of the world is dependent on its food and energy and other materials. Russia has the food and energy for survival, while much of the west either refuses to use its own resources or no longer has that ability. In the long run Russia will do better than Europe in sustainability. 

Decisions have been made to cut oil production by Russia and Saudi Arabia, the biggest producers. The United States strategic oil reserve has now been depleted to dangerous levels, will this administration totally use it up to sustain prices in the election season? It appears higher oil prices are inevitable.

China meanwhile is retaliating to every attempt at sanctioning the sale of products sold to China. Sanctioning computer chips has been followed by China now producing more of their own and underselling the global market. It has also shifted buying grain from the U.S. to allies in South America. It has cancelled purchases from Germany and Japan and replaced these products by domestic production or other allies. It is now the biggest producer of cars and trucks and has a huge market besides the west to sell to and will make the West uncompetitive. It is now producing its own domestic airliners that will likely replace Air-bus and Boeing in the rest of the world. It has made alliances that will insure its supplies of materials and energy.

It appears that the global economy is becoming irreversibly fractured and it would take a team of serious diplomats and statesmen to heal this divide. Sadly it seems to be a rare commodity in Western nations, who are frozen in their global game plan and seem to be willing to go down with the ship, rather change course.

One must wonder how long this ally shopping and economic chess game will remain non-violent. Can these opposing blocks survive in a world jockeying for resources and attempting to sustain their economies and social stability. Without cooperation, there will eventually be winners and losers, the losers may believe they can only survive by the destruction of the other.

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