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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Billions on foreign aid in new budget.



There is no limit to how much must be invested or spent to secure friends and allies. The latest budget is bursting with new spending in foreign lands. The U.S. agency for international development is getting $63 billion to provide money for new infrastructure around the world including $7.2 billion for the pacific islanders. This includes green projects and other cause all at the expense of U.S. taxpayers.

Then there is another immediate $28 billion for Ukraine that is expected to be enhanced to over $100 billion in the coming year. This money will offer new weapons, but also pay fire fighters, first responders, government workers, their healthcare and pensions. In fact, Ukraine is now solely supported by the United states, likely receives more money than any U.S. state.

Earlier the government set aside over $9 billion for spreading democracy around the world. often through Non-government agency's that attempt to move other countries political systems to be more favorable to U.S. interests. 

The new defense budget is requesting $882 billion and with all the congressional and senate add ons will be the first $1 Trillion defense budget. Much of this money is spent on maintaining the 750 bases in 80 countries. Much of this money goes to foreign governments and suppliers who become dependent on U.S. dollars and hence are our paid friends. 

We could go on, but the reality is the /federal government is spending far above the level of sustainability. With a debt of over $33 Trillion and now expected to grow by $2 trillion in the next year, we can expect a further loss of the buying power of the dollar, increased prices for everything and a steady squandering of the wealth of the country. 

So in the next week we can hear the big spenders in Washington and its complicit media bellowing how the radicles in congress want to shut the government down. The spending will be approved, the government will continue in its delusions until it all collapses. Then we can hear who they will blame, but the bill will be paid by all Americans in one way or another.

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