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Monday, December 16, 2024

North Korea get on the job training in Kursk.



It is now verified by both Russia and North Korea that Korean troops are now actively participating in the Kursk region of Russia. It seems that they are operating independently of Russia forces.

North Korea claims that they have taken their first village claiming 300 Ukrainian lives and no prisoners. Ukraine claims that they have inflicted heavy casualties on the Koreans. Is doubtful that either claims are reliable, but it seems that their presence in the region is now verified.

It is unlikely that they are incorporated into Russian units, because of the language barriers but are most likely given tasks that allow them to operate with Korean leadership in an independent fashion. It would be suspected they would receive Russian logistics and air support.

North Koreans are often in Russia for training and this may be an opportunity for their elite units to gain combat experience. The west claims the Koreans are there because the  Russia are short of troops, but no objective analyst has come to that conclusion, the Russia army seems to be well manned and has several hundred thousand troops in reserve and are continually rotating troops in and out. 

Many of the Ukrainian troops have been in continuous combat for near 3 years. Most observers do not believe that Korean troops will be used on Ukraine territory, but only time will tell if that is true.

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