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Friday, April 10, 2020

Are guidelines and work compatible.



Many construction sites are outdoor in the fresh air ...

The governor has just announced that schools will be closed for the rest of the year. While this may be appropriate, we better hope he does not have the same opinion of allowing a loosening of the stay at home and only essential work allowed orders. These draconian restrictions on work are a thoughtless example of bureaucratic nonsense.

We have been told that the important thing is to follow the guidelines, social distancing, washing hands. possibly wearing masks and gloves in certain situations. It is also important to stay away from seniors as best we can. We are told these guidelines are working and that they are the only effective strategy to minimize the spread of this virus. This appears to be true. 

It is time to analyze what work can be allowed and what will need to closed for a longer time. We are allowed to fish, but not play golf. Outdoor construction is not allowed, unless you get a waiver from the governor, Outdoor excavating work is also not allowed unless you are politically favored by a waiver. Road work is not allowed although government workers wages are guaranteed indefinitely. Nurseries are not allowed to sell trees and plants and may lose their whole spring season. All these activities could resume and also adhere to the guidelines.

If the goal is to follow the guidelines, then why not allow all work that can be conducted while following the guidelines. Everyone understands the guidelines and also understands it is in their best interest to follow them. 

Why are outdoor activities restricted, walking, jogging, hiking. Parks are closed, with the excuse that they don't want the playground open, why not close the playground and let the rest be open while following the guidelines.

It seems the bureaucracy cannot make a an objective judgement as to what the goal of adhering to the guidelines is all about. It is not about decimating the incomes and livelihoods of working people. It is about limiting the transmission of a disease. We should be able to accomplish our goal of disease prevention without ruining peoples lives.

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